The Wizrocklopedia hosted it’s first annual Wizard Rock People’s Choice Awards during January and February of 2007. In 2008 we revised our voting process to be simpler and to better epitomize the people’s choice concept. The original event consisted of two parts; nominations and voting. Wizard rock fans nominated their favorite bands and then voted for their favorites amongst the five most nominated bands in each category. More than 5,000 votes were cast. In 2008, more than 9,500 individual votes were received and counted via email. Winners received banners for their websites as well as certificates celebrating their achievements featuring the Golden Broomstick. More information on the awards, categories, and process can be found below.
2008’s program took place between February 9th and the 23rd. The winners were announced on March 2nd.
2008 WRPCA Winners
2008 Voting Process
2007’s program took place between January 22nd and February 23rd. Winners were announced on March 1st.
The 2007 WRPCA Winners
The Nominees for 2007
How It Worked
The 2007 Golden Broomstick Award

The 2007 Golden Broomstick Award