Tag: hollow godric
The Wrock Wreview: Ghosts of the Hunt
The Album Brandon Blair recorded Hollow Godric’s album, Ghosts of the Hunt, from 2008 to 2009 in Japan and the United States. It was released on August 7, 2009 and is comprised of nine tracks. Let’s step into the graveyard of this album together and see what secrets lie behind the tombstones.
Wrock The Reread – The Sorcerer’s Stone, Chapter 8: The Potions Master
Chapter 8, deals with Harry adjusting to his unknown fame as well as the teacher who holds him responsible for it. Featured bands include: the Pumpkin Pasties, Hollow Gordic, Voldemort, Gred and Forge, the 8th Horcrux, Harry and the Potters, Eyes Like Mine, Ollivander, The Hermione Crookshanks Experience, Seamus and the Finnigans, Siriusly Hazza P, The…
Flashback Friday – Hollow Godric
Here’s an incredibly old, but no less incredibly awesome, video of one of the rare Hollow Godric live performances. “Autumn Note” will forever be one of my absolute favorite wizard rock songs, and Brandon Blair one of my favorite wizard rock musicians. Hollow Godric’s two albums can still be purchased via their Bandcamp page, and…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
Welcome to this week’s double Wrock Wrap Up! Don’t forget to keep us updated on your Wrock news!
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
Welcome to this week’s Wrock Wrap Up! Don’t forget to keep us updated on your Wrock news! General Now that Wrockstock is over, several wrockers have posted blogs reflecting on Wrockstock including Creevey Crisis and Diagon Alley. So if your favorite wrock band was at Wrockstock, check out their MySpace for their reflections and pictures…
catchlove, chaos of the phoenix, creevey crisis, dawlish and the archies, diagon alley, hogwarts hotel, hollow godric, ministry of magic, prophets of godric’s hollow, secondhand magic supplies, severus and the snapes, swish and flick, the chinese chomping cabbages, the first task is dragons, the flitterblooms, the sorting hat, witherwings -
Question Tuesday
If you could have a Wizard Rock show anywhere in the world other than (essentially) your home / hometown, where would it be? I think my ideal location for a Wizard Rock show would be at Loch Lomond in Scotland. Personally, I absolutely love music in a natural setting and of all the places I’ve…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
Welcome to this week’s Wrock Wrap Up! Don’t forget to keep us updated on your Wrock news! General The documentary ‘We Are Wizards” was screened in Hawaii. The Whomping Willows will be raising money for the Harry Potter Alliance during his tour this fall. Nimbus 9Million is currently holding an Allwizard Photo Tournament which only…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
Welcome to this week’s Wrock Wrap Up! Don’t forget to keep us updated on your Wrock news! General RiddleTM has recently launched a new website. Make sure to check it out for the latest news and songs from the band. The band was also featured in their local newspaper about their wizard rock experience. With…
creevey crisis, green hats and red ties, harry and the potters, hollow godric, kingsley and the shacklebolts, peeved, prophets of godric’s hollow, quickspell, riddletm, romilda vane and the chocolate cauldrons, split seven ways, swish and flick, the fleur delacours, the lost diadems, the whomping willows, wingardium leviosa -
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
Welcome to this week’s Double Weekly Wrock Wrap Up! Don’t forget to keep us updated on your Wrock news! General Jessie of The Curse Breakers is back from a long hiatus and is “working for Voldy” now. Find out more at her blog. With the DIY attidtude of Wizard Rock, the majority of wrockers are independent songwriters constantly having to…
catchlove, creevey crisis, draco and the malfoys, harry and the potters, hollow godric, kingsley and the shacklebolts, lord voldi and the dark marks, oliver boyd and the remembralls, riddletm, the curse breakers, the fleur delacours, the lost diadems, the moaning myrtles, the ravenclaw revolution, the remus lupins, the silver doe, the whomping willows, the wizarding world, wingardium leviosa, wrockstock -
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
Less than four days until Half-Blood Prince! General With the approach of Half-Blood Prince, wizard rock has really gotten a lot of attention from Muggles this week! If you happen to catch something, please email us or Tweet it to @wizrocklopedia so we can get the word out.
142 staircases, dawlish and the archies, dj luna lovegood, draco and the malfoys, gred and forge, harry and the potters, hogwarts hotel, hollow godric, i speak tree, kwikspell, mc kreacher, oliver boyd and the remembralls, prophets of godric’s hollow, secondhand magic supplies, siriusly hazza p, statutory snape, swish and flick, the bandon banshees, the butterbeer experience, the moaning myrtles, the parselmouths, the remus lupins, the whomping willows, tonks and the aurors