Wrockstock Spooktacular Giveaway

The Wizrocklopedia is pleased to be bringing you our very first giveaway! We have three free passes to the Wrockstock Spooktacular taking place between October 26 and 28, 2007 in Potosi, Missouri. The event will feature performances by:

Draco and the Malfoys, The Remus Lupins, The Whomping Willows, Catchlove, Tom Riddle & Friends, The Quaffle Kids, Ministry of Magic, DJ Luna Lovegood, The Cedric Diggorys, The Hungarian Horntails, Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls, Justin Finch-Fletchley and the Sugar Quills, and The Parselmouths.

The Wrockstock Spooktacular will have two nights’ worth of music, a Triwizard Tournament, crafts, and more. Proceeds benefit the HP Alliance. Visit their website for more information.

Contest Details

Our giveaway is a multimedia challenge. We want you to answer one of the following questions by writing an essay, drawing a picture, making a video, writing and recording a song, or taking a photo. Other forms of media may be considered. Please contact us with your entry or idea for approval.

Entries will be judged based on creativity and effort. The deadline for submissions is September 10th, 2007, Eastern Standard Time. Entries received on September 10th will be eligible. Winners will be announced September 15th. Ticket sales for the event end September 22nd. The questions to be answered are as follows:

1. What does wizard rock mean to you?
2. How has wizard rock changed your life?
3. What do you love most about wizard rock?

Written entries must be copied and pasted into the body of an email. Hand drawn pictures must either be scanned or photographed and sent via email. Video entries can be uploaded to any video hosting website (YouTube, MySpace, Google, etc.). Any songs must be sent via email in mp3 format. Entries cannot contain nudity, graphic violence, or blatantly offensive content.

Your entry can be sent to contests@wizrocklopedia.com. Questions and concerns may also be directed to this email address. Submissions can be attached or the email can contain a link to where the entry can be read, seen, or downloaded. Winning entries will be shared with visitors to the site!

Rules & Regulations

The Wizrocklopedia is giving away free tickets only– lodging, transportation, and meals are NOT included. Winners will be responsible for procuring lodging at the Trout Lodge in Potosi, MO. Please visit Wrockstock’s Travel Info, Ticket Info, and Reservations pages for details.

One ticket will be given per entry, essentially one ticket per person. There will be three individual winners. A person may only submit one entry.

Once your entry has been chosen, you must email the St. Louis Area Wizards with a special password we will give to you. You will be responsible for making and paying for room reservations at the lodge. Wrockstock’s room block ends on September 1st. Rooms will still be available but you will be competing with the general public for reservations. Contact us at contests@wizrocklopedia.com with any concerns.

Wizrocklopedia staff members are not eligible to participate in this contest.

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