Category: News
MISTI-Con: May 9-13!
Put on your robes, witches and wizards! Registration is closing soon for MISTI-Con 2013! MISTI-Con is a joint effort between The Group That Shall Not Be Named (HP-NYC), Ray “The Dark Lord Bartender” Smith (how sweet of a nickname is that?), and The Margate Hotel in Laconia, NH. MISTI-Con itself stands for “Ministry Interdepartmental Service…
Swedish Wizard Rock Fans – “Wrock and Love” Festival May 10-11
Wizard rock fans in Sweden who have been waiting for a local multi-day wrock festival are about to get their wishes answered! Wrock and Love, the first ever Swedish wizard rock festival, will be taking place May 10-11 in Växjö, Sweden. With 11 bands over two days, wrock fans are sure to get more than their…
Help Get the Blibbering Humdingers to London for LeakyCon!
The Blibbering Humdingers, everyone’s number one choice of wizard rock bands that make them crap their pants, were excited and thrilled to be asked to perform at LeakyCon London. Once the awe of performing in the place that gave the world Harry Potter wore off, Scott and Kirsten really only had one thing on their…
Live Potterwatch Broadcast Today with DatM and Other Rad People!
What: Live Potterwatch broadcast for Accio Books! When: Today, March 19 at 4pm EST Where: SayAHA! Livestream Channel Who: Brian Malfoy, Maureen Johnson, Charlie is Cool Like, and more! We’re nearly three weeks into the second annual Accio Books! campaign, and we are PUMPED! The books just keep coming in. And guess what? This week’s…
It’s the End of 2009, But Not the End of the Wrock!
Wow! Today is the final day of 2009! Is it just me or is that kind of super awesome to the max? I mean, seriously. We all just lived another year, wrocked out like crazy people, and had a blast doing it. At least, I certainly hope so! I know that’s what I did with…
A Wizard Rock Advent Calendar
Zivlok of Dawlish and the Archies has decided to put together a Wizard Rock Advent Calendar leading up to Christmas. He will be posting one song per day that will be available for download for a 24-hour period. The first week will be solely music from Dawlish and the Archies, but following that, he is…
Just a Few Reminders
First and foremost, I’d like to remind everyone in the UK and anywhere remotely nearby that it is NOT too late to get your tickets for the Edinburgh Snow Ball. It takes place in Edinburgh, Scotland on the 18th of December. Unfortunately, it is limited to aged 14 and up, but all those in the…
The Daily Wrocket Launches!
I’ve been having an amazing time the past months preparing for the launch of the Daily Wrocket my brand new Band-a-Day blog about Wizard Rock. Finally, after months of planning and preparation, it has launched! You can check out the site today for the first Band of the Day. Unless you’re at Wrockstock with me,…
PotterTeeVee to Stream Wrockstock
For those of you who are not yet aware of the awesomeness that is Potter TeeVee (PTV), it is the latest and greatest advance in encouraging growth and continuance in the Harry Potter fandom at large. PTV, run by Jennifer Levine, intends to stream live events pertaining to Harry Potter on their Livestream channel whenever…
Wrock 4 Equality!
One of the greatest things about Wizard Rock, in my opinion, is how often it is used as a rallying point for some good cause or other. One of my favorite examples to cite to outsiders is Wizard Rock the Vote, a Harry Potter Alliance campaign to sign up new voters and encourage everyone to…