Category: Features

  • Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Jam: December 2020

    We’ve made it to December, friends! Welcome to the last Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Jam of 2020. November’s theme of “Diagon Alley” sparked a big response, so let’s dive right in to everyone’s wonderful creations – and remember, read to the end of the post to find out December’s theme and see how you can…

  • Creevey Tuesdays: Swish and Flick

    The duo known as Swish and Flick are renowned for their high-energy live shows, but did you know they’re also the height of cool? Just check out this photo from an NYC gig. John (left) plays guitar and sings into a gramophone while Stacy (right) gets ready to drop another killer verse. If you’re in…

  • Creevey Tuesday: The Parselmouths

    I hope you’re wearing pajamas right now, because this Creevey Tuesday is taking you to a pajama party with the Parselmouths! For their set at Wrockstock in 2010, The Parselmouths had an upbeat pajama party! For their performance of “Voldemort Fangirl” Kristina and Eia invited friends onstage for a pillow fight. They managed to perform…

  • Creevey Tuesdays: The Purebloods!

    They may be evil, but they sure know how to groove – this week’s Creevey Tuesday features The Purebloods doing the signature dance for their song, “The Death Eater Disco.” You’ve got to love a wizard rock band with choreographed dance moves! This photo comes from your Creevey Tuesdays editor Grace, who shot this photo…

  • Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Jam: November 2020

    Welcome back to the Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Jam, a monthly creative challenge for everyone to participate in! For October, our theme was “Do something that scares you.” Apparently, that scared off a lot of our participants… but not Zoë from Dots and Lines! “Great Hall Bats” is a gorgeous little song from recent Yes…

  • Creevey Tuesday: RiddleTM

    This week’s Creevey Tuesday comes to you from London, England! It’s none other than RiddleTM, the fabulous duo of Victoria and Georgia! Here they are performing at Hogwarts Jamboree back in 2009, an all-day festival that also featured Siriusly Hazza P, Shrieking Shack Disco Gang, and The Deathsticks. As Katt said in the original caption…

  • Creevey Tuesdays: Luna Wants a Long Bottom

    This week’s photo feature is a blast from the past: check out this behind-the-scenes picture of British wizard rock band Luna Wants a Long Bottom! This fabulous Bristol-based band initially made a name for themselves entering muggle Battle of the Band competitions in full Hogwarts uniforms. The pointy hats are really a great look! Fun…

  • Creevey Tuesday: Band in a Horcrux

    Let’s get a little groovy with wizard jazz duo Band in a Horcrux! This photo from hpboy13 captures the band’s 2014 performance at the Sidewalk Cafe in New York City. And if that’s not enough for you, check out some awesome live video from their set!

  • Creevey Tuesday: Kirstyn Hippe

    Kirstyn Hippe takes center stage in this week’s Creevey Tuesday. Here she’s performing at Open Books in Chicago as part of the Go West, Young Wizards tour with Tonks and the Aurors and Justin Finch-Fletchley in 2013. Many thanks to Ralph Sprague for the photo!

  • Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Jam: October 2020

    The Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Jam is a monthly challenge where everyone is encouraged to share a creative response to a theme. For September, our theme was “Houses!” Let’s look back at the amazing things people made over the past month (and a quick thank you to Tiffany for our amazing new banner!). First up,…

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