Category: Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
Thanks to Dinah’s double wrap up this week, it almost seems like not too much has happened since then! There may be less news, but it’s no less interesting or important, I promise. Shows Don’t forget to check out our calendar for the lineup of shows this weekend and following week. Cary, NC and Blibbering…
Double Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
You may have noticed this wrap up is not only late, but following a week without. So be prepared for Extreme Wrap Up time! There’s a LOT of news to cover from the past two weeks and we hope to get as much of it up here as possible! So read on and give a…
blue and yellow wand, charlie and the dragon, harry and the potters, hawthorn & holly, humphrey belcher and the cheese cauldrons, luna’s ceiling, marked as his equal, neville’s diary, obliviate!, secondhand magic supplies, siriusly hazza p, snidget, spinner’s end, split seven ways, swish and flick, the blibbering humdingers, the butterbeer experience, the cruciatus curse, the dumbledore’s army band, the gryffindor common room rejects, the half-kneazles, the house of black, the nifflers, the parselmouths, the potterwatch project, the quibbler writing staff, the sweetwater all-stars, the wizarding world, wingardium leviosa, wrockstock the third -
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
General News Draco and the Malfoys are writing material for a series of CDs/EPs called Draco and the Malfoys Celebrate…, the first of which will Celebrate Piracy! For further updates, join their mailing list! Ravenclaw Rave wrock podcast has been renamed The Five Broomsticks. But never fear! It is still the same wrock podcast with…
dj luna lovegood, draco and the malfoys, gred and forge, i was lord elbin ausley, kingsley and the shacklebolts, riddletm, siriusly hazza p, swish and flick, the beedles, the cruciatus curse, the deathsticks, the hogwart heartbreakers, the house of black, the remus lupins, the sectumsempras, the whomping willows, witherwings, wrockstock the third -
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
General News Draco and the Malfoys now have an email list going out. Sign up for it at their official website. The Hermione Crookshanks Experience has made her previous albums available for purchase in various packages for special prices found here
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
First of all, we would like to thank everyone for voting in the Wizard Rock People’s Choice Awards!!! We ended up with a total of 895 voters in this final round of voting! That’s amazing! Now, we’re tallying your votes and you’ll have to hang tight for our announcement of the winners following Freya’s Wizard…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
Thanks to everyone who has voted in the WRPCA finals so far! Vote here if you haven’t already. Also, don’t forget to tune into Wizarding Radio Hour today at 4pm EST.
celestial warmbottom, dj luna lovegood, fred and george the band, gred and forge, i was lord elbin ausley, justin finch-fletchley and the sugar quills, kingsley and the shacklebolts, madam pince and the librarians, ministry of magic, mirror of erised, remus and the lupins, riddletm, romilda vane and the chocolate cauldrons, snidget, split seven ways, swish and flick, the butterbeer experience, the cedric diggorys, the hinky punks, the house of black, the moaning myrtles, the parselmouths, the princess of hogwarts, the whomping willows, tonks and the aurors, toujours pur, witherwings -
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
This week, we are combining the Wrap Up info from the past two weeks! So this should be fun! Remember, if you have some news to report, Contact Us! Did you play the Wrock Lyrics game with the Wizrocklopedia Twitter account on Wizard Rock Awareness Day? If so, you’ll find the final scores of all…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
General Fred of Fred Lives has a new Muggle project called The Nighttime Band. The PwnCast of Wrock has a new episode, “We’re (Sadly) Not in Kansas Anymore”, that you can find on iTunes. Some tidbits from Julia’s summary: “The Basilisk in Your Pasta insults the President of France, and Cody finds this amusing”, “Julia…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
We were so excited about the new site that we didn’t get around to reporting the news this week. So, here it is, a few days late. Summer Tours! Last Thursday, there were two separate tour announcements – one with The Whomping Willows, Justin Finch-Fletchley and the Sugar Quills, and The Moaning Myrtles; the other…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
General News On a slightly more personal note, we wanted to wish Abby Hupp – the bringer of Wrockstock – a very happy birthday! Her birthday was April 3rd, so if you missed it, run on by the Wrockstock Forums to wish her well. Draco and the Malfoys have launched a new site! It’s a…
142 staircases, creevey crisis, draco and the malfoys, gred and forge, justin finch-fletchley and the sugar quills, luna’s ceiling, ministry of magic, nagini, neville’s diary, oliver boyd and the remembralls, snidget, split seven ways, swish and flick, the butterbeer experience, the house of black, the misuse of muggle artifacts office, the potterwatch project, the quibbler writing staff, the whomping willows, witherwings, wrockstock