Category: Question Tuesday
Question Tuesday
What upcoming Wrock-related event are you most looking forward to? I think I’m most looking forward to Wrockstock for the sole reason that it’s the only Wrock-related event for me to look forward to right now. However, as much as I love the enormity of Wrockstock, I kind of wish I would be able to…
Question Tuesday
The Whomping Willows and Justin Finch-Fletchley and the Sugar Quills start their fall tour this week. If you follow them on twitter or facebook, you may have seen the brand new merch they will be selling this tour, including Justin’s kazoos: and Matt’s cozies (or koozies, depending on where you’re from): Recently, Steph of Tonks…
Question Tuesday
As this is something I’d like to do myself some day, I’m curious about everyone else’s personal choices in the matter… If you could have a Wizard Rock birthday party and could have any bands from anywhere in the world play, which bands would you invite? You are limited to 3! One thing I’d like…
Question Tuesday
My primary reason for asking this question is because I am hungry and snacking right now… What is your favorite Wizard Rock song about food? I have to admit that my favorite is ‘No Shame in Hufflepuff’ by The Blibbering Humdingers. While it’s not directly about food, it is the song that created the silly…
Question Tuesday
Who would you most like to be a wizard rock fan with you? One of my oldest friends has happily jumped into the fandom with me, but I do wish my husband would be more involved. He really enjoys the people he’s met in the fandom so far, but that’s about as far as it…
Question Tuesday
Each and every one of us has had to face, at some point or other, an interesting situation in which a Muggle first learns of our Wizard Rock love. Sometimes this elicits a response along the lines of, “Ooh, I love good ol’ HP! Tell me more!” Other times, we get a, “Well, that’s sure…
Question Tuesday
Thanks to Julia for this week’s question! Which wrock show do you wish you could have been at? I’m not going to count Wrockstock here, since it is several shows, so I’d have to say Wrock Around the Rock. I adore boats and the ocean, so adding wizard rock to that sounds pretty awesome to…
Question Tuesday
It’s that time again. We’re getting closer and closer to September 1st, when school starts again. Unfortunately, some Muggle schools are not quite as enlightened and start earlier. What is your favorite wizard rock song about classes? For me, there’s the ever-classic Draco and the Malfoys‘ ‘Potions Yesterday’ and Gred and Forge‘s ‘History of Magic’.
Question Tuesday
As many Wizard Rockers and Wizard Rock fans know, there is something of an unofficial agreement between the Wizard Rock community and Warner Bros. The Wrockers are allowed to make their music and sell it online, so long as they do not sell any other merchandise online. So this begs the question of what merchandise…
Question Tuesday
This question was actually brought up by one of our readers for her own purposes and it piqued my curiosity, especially since, while I am a great appreciator of music, I absolutely suck at knowing who sings what, what songs are called, and (honestly) the lyrics of even the most recognizable songs. So here it…