Category: Archived Features
Flashback Friday – Marked as His Equal
Here’s Marked As His Equal playing “Here We Stand” back in 2009 with some great audience participation. Give it a watch and sing along!
Flashback Friday – Gred and Forge
In honor of what appears to be his farewell show this weekend at Wrockstock Reunited, here’s Jarrod of Gred and Forge ripping things up at Wrockstock 2008 (some of the earliest footage we could find of G&F on YouTube). On behalf of everyone here at the ‘pedia, thanks for the years of laughs, great music,…
Creevey Thursday – Wrockstock is this Weekend!
Swish and Flick – Photo by hpboy13 I wish everyone going to Wrockstock a great time. I am severely jealous that I cannot go. please take plenty of pictures, submit them to the flickr group, email me some (, or post them on Instagram with the hashtag #wizrocklopedia.
Question Tuesday
Here’s the scenario: you’ve been talking about wizard rock for YEARS to your group of friends (don’t deny that you’re immediately remembering at least 10 times you’ve done that!) and finally, FINALLY, they agree to give wrock a chance. BUT! Here’s the catch: you can only play them one single song to get them to…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
Welcome to this week’s Wrock Wrap Up! Don’t forget to keep us updated on your Wrock news! We’ve got a lot of great info to talk about this week, so let’s get to it. General We’ve got some spiffy updated banners for all of our articles, thanks to the WrockSnob’s graphic arts skillz. Thanks, Snobby!…
Creevey Thursday – Tonks and the Aurors
Here’s a pic from our brand new Instagram feed – it’s Steph A from Tonks and the Aurors! Tonks and the Aurors absolutely wrocked the Sidewalk Cafe along with Swish and Flick, JFF, and Kirstyn Hippe last week. Our own Camie was there and was able to capture this great shot at the show. Be…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
Welcome to this week’s Wrock Wrap Up! Don’t forget to keep us updated on your Wrock news! We’ve got a lot of great info and some fantastic new releases to talk about this week, so let’s get to it. General Hey! We now have an Instagram account! Camie, our Photo Archivist Extraordinaire, has created it…
Flashback Friday – Wrockstock Spooktacular
With Wrockstock Reunited quickly approaching, we wanted to share a vid of the very first Wrockstock! Back in October 2007, hoards of wizard rock lovers descended upon Potosi, Missouri for the very first time. New friendships were made, lyrics were sung, lots of bacon was consumed, and the legend of Uncle Carl began. Here’s a…
Question T-Shirt Tuesday
Wizard rockers are known for their unique and original shirt designs – some have great artwork, some have witty lyrics, some are interactive, some get you smiles and high fives from strangers, and some are just plain ol’ comfy. So for this week’s Question Tuesday, we want to know: What’s your favorite all-time wizard rock…
Creevey Monday? – A Heartfelt Plea
A lot has changed since Wizard Rock and the Wizrocklopedia began. We have gone through multiple editors in chief, editors, contributors, photographers, etc (And I love every single one of them – seriously, with all of my heart – past and present – I hope they all know that.) We have gone through many different…