Category: Archived Features

  • Question Tuesday!

    Today, I have a question about your loved ones and wizard rock. Have you gotten anyone else into wrock? While I have subjected people in my car to it and even convinced some friends to come to shows, I have only introduced wrock to one person who now listens to it on her own. That…

  • Creevey Thursday

    Adam wrocking out at the Bryn Mawr Yule Ball, courtesy of yesitakephotos. Don’t forget to check out our Flickr group!

  • Question Tuesday

    Last week, we saw that most people have more Muggle music than wizard rock music, so that got me thinking about how my Muggle music differs from the wrock I listen to. My Muggle friend helped me to pinpoint exactly what I should ask of you regarding this: What Muggle band would you love to…

  • Photo Feature Makes a Triumphant Return! Introducing Creevey Thursdays!

    Photo by Camie Why is Nina of The Moaning Myrtles all smiles? Well, she is happy for a picture feature to be back on the Wizrocklopedia, of course!

  • Question Tuesday

    Today’s question is more about your relationship with wizard rock. Do you own more wizard rock albums than Muggle albums? According to my iPod, about 21% of my music is wizard rock. If you don’t want to do the math or count your CDs, just give us your best guess.

  • Question Tuesday

    This week’s question will require a bit more than just a list of your favorite lyrics or songs. We recently got a preview of a new song from The Whomping Willows‘ album that will be officially released at LeakyCon in May. It’s not a wizard rock song, per se, but a song about the wizard…

  • Question Tuesday

    This week’s question might be a little bit harder for you to narrow down. What are your favorite wizard rock lyrics? For the sheer ability to make me laugh out loud, I like Draco and the Malfoys‘ ‘In Which I Kick Harry Potter In The Face’: “I just kicked you in the face Hey Harry…

  • Question Tuesday

    It’s Tuesday, so I have another question for y’all! What was the first wizard rock song you ever liked? Mine was ‘Werewolf Love’ by Tonks and the Aurors. I listened to it over and over again for about a week, much to the chagrin of the Muggle in my household.

  • Question Tuesday

    Thanks to everyone who participated in last week’s Question Tuesday! While reading everyone’s answers did get lots of songs stuck in our heads, it’s great to be able to chat a bit about one of our favorite subjects. And so I present to you this week’s question: What is your favorite wizard rock song to…

  • Question Tuesday

    Sometimes starting a conversation can be difficult and awkward. I thought maybe we could fix that by giving everyone something to talk about. Every Tuesday, we’ll post a question. Feel free to discuss, analyze, and scrutinize. Just please respect each other’s opinions and try to be nice. To be fair, the poster will answer the…

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