Category: Archived Features
Question Tuesday!
I am always looking to expand my wizard rock collection, so this question is a little selfish. Who do you think is an underappreciated band? This doesn’t have to be a band that no one has ever heard of, but it should be one that you haven’t heard much hype about but think is really…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
General News There is a new Harry Potter podcast that promises to feature wizard rock in every episode. Check it out here. Russ of Creevey Crisis will be playing with a full band at Wrockstock. You can read how excited he is at his latest blog.
Creevey Thursday!
Photo by ginginny77 Hey everyone, look at Justin Finch-Fletchley sporting the newest fashion accessory! Continue to send in those awesome photos to the flickr group!
Question Tuesday
This Friday is Universal Harry Potter Day! Everyone is supposed to show their love by wearing something Harry Potter-related. I’ve been debating on what I should wear, which led me to inventorying my Harry Potter clothing and accessories. So, I ask the same of you. How much wizard rock clothing do you own? I have…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
The return of your source for all the bits and bobbles that happen in the wizard rock community. Don’t forget – if you’re in a band and want something to be included in here, please fill out our news submission form. General News Amber of The Gryffindor Common Room Rejects is now working solo. Shawn…
Creevey Thursday!
photo by Rachez I wonder what Lena of The Butterbeer Experience is thinking about in this picture? Please keep posting awesome pictures up to the Wizrocklopedia Flickr group. The more pictures we get in, the more awesome pictures we can show during Creevey Thursdays!
Question Tuesday
Not every wizard rock band tours across every part of the world, so sometimes it can be hard to get to a show. What’s the farthest you’ve ever traveled solely to go to a wrock show (one that wasn’t a con or Wrockstock)? I’m lucky that bands tend to stop in or near my city,…
Creevey Thursday
Photo by Tonks&theAurors He flies through the air with the greatest of ease…. Alex of The Remus Lupins, gets some air at a show from this past summer. Too bad that the weather is going to stay cold for six more weeks… stupid groundhog. Check out the Flickr group!
Question Tuesday
Ok, kids, it’s that time again. Where do you listen to wrock most often? Since I live with a Muggle that, while supportive of my love of wizard rock, doesn’t necessarily love all the music, most of my wrock listening is on my iPod. Do you keep your wrock listening private? Or is it blared…
Creevey Thursdays
Photo by yesitakephotos With the recent snow storms that have been popping up in various parts of the country, I believe it was a proper time to remind everyone to bundle up and wear a hat like Jarrod of Gred and Forge! Keep posting those pictures to the Flickr group!