Category: Archived Features
Creevey Thursday!
photo by ginginny77 Lauren of The Moaning Myrtles sings, plays the guitar, the ukulele, and the bass? What can’t this girl do?
Question Tuesday!
Since we didn’t even think to add this category to this year’s WRPCAs (did you vote yet?), it can be a Question Tuesday instead. We’ll get it in there next year, I promise. What was your favorite compilation album in 2008? Even if Siriusly Smiling was released with just Blibbering Humdingers‘ ‘Dobby, Bang Your Head’,…
Creevey Thursday!
photo by yesitakephotos Tina and Ian take a break from their solo projects and four kids to rock it out as The Greybacks.
WRPCAs, A History
In case you were wondering who won in the past two years, I compiled the awards list below. If there is no winner listed, that means that the category was not there for that year. Some of the categories have a more specific definition this year (like, “Best Band Featuring a Magical Creature from the…
Question Tuesday!
This week, I need your help with some research for the WRPCAs. What music videos came out in 2008? I have to admit that I haven’t looked too hard, but the only one I can remember off the top of my head is ‘Covah Yr Junk’.
big whompy, catchlove, draco and the malfoys, dumbledore, gred and forge, harry and the potters, justin finch-fletchley and the sugar quills, ministry of magic, oliver boyd and the remembralls, remus and the lupins, the hermione crookshanks experience, the moaning myrtles, the parselmouths, the remus lupins, the whomping willows, tom riddle and friends, tonks and the aurors -
Wizard Rock People’s Choice Awards Nominations
Nominations are officially open! The awards will be a little bit different this year. Nominations will run from today until Thursday, April 30th, at 11:59 PM EST. There are 35 categories you can vote in. The 36th category is for the Lifetime Achievement Award, which will be a write-in category during the final round of…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
General Fred of Fred Lives has a new Muggle project called The Nighttime Band. The PwnCast of Wrock has a new episode, “We’re (Sadly) Not in Kansas Anymore”, that you can find on iTunes. Some tidbits from Julia’s summary: “The Basilisk in Your Pasta insults the President of France, and Cody finds this amusing”, “Julia…
Take a Look Back on Wrock in 2008
We’ve been getting questions about the Wizard Rock People’s Choice Awards (WRPCAs). Will we be bringing them back again this year? Well the answer is a big YES! And they’re just around the bend, too! We will begin taking nominations in the next few days (stay tuned!), but we wanted to give Wizard Rockers and…
Creevey Thursday
photo by erratic0101 This week, we’ll let you guess who the wrocker is. For bonus points, guess where they’re playing! Keep adding those pictures to the Wizrocklopedia flickr group, and don’t forget that you can send us to any cool wizard rock pictures you find via our image submission form.
Question Tuesday!
I woke up this morning in a cold sweat because of a dream I had. Justin of Justin Finch-Fletchley and the Sugar Quills was in town, and it was his birthday. Only I didn’t know that, and I was completely unprepared for it. No cake, no presents, no nothing. I have also had a dream…