Category: Archived Features
Creevey Thursday
photo by moonlightbulb Here we have Blibbering Humdingers playing their final show at Camelot Treasures. Don’t forget that while the storefront may be closed, you can still get your wizard fix at their website! Our flickr group tends to get photos from the same photographers, and we’re happy to see them all. But I know…
Question Tuesday
Thanks to everyone that weighed in with their answers for last week. Obviously, based on your responses, we won’t be canceling the Weekly Wrap Up any time soon. I also wanted to say that reading all the positive feedback was quite heartwarming for both me and Dinah. We very much appreciated it. But onto this…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
Thanks to Dinah’s double wrap up this week, it almost seems like not too much has happened since then! There may be less news, but it’s no less interesting or important, I promise. Shows Don’t forget to check out our calendar for the lineup of shows this weekend and following week. Cary, NC and Blibbering…
Creevey Thursday!
photo by pretendtious Jarrod of Gred and Forge rocking out at a recent concert in Pittsburgh PA! Keep those photos coming in to the flickr group! With all your help, we have reached over 5,000 wizard rock photos!
Question Tuesday
Our goal is always to make sure that this site is here primarily for the fans and addressing YOUR wants and needs. After reading the comments on Dinah’s opinion article regarding the Wizrocklopedia in general, I got to thinking. So, here’s a serious question for you guys. Do you get most of your wizard rock…
Double Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
You may have noticed this wrap up is not only late, but following a week without. So be prepared for Extreme Wrap Up time! There’s a LOT of news to cover from the past two weeks and we hope to get as much of it up here as possible! So read on and give a…
blue and yellow wand, charlie and the dragon, harry and the potters, hawthorn & holly, humphrey belcher and the cheese cauldrons, luna’s ceiling, marked as his equal, neville’s diary, obliviate!, secondhand magic supplies, siriusly hazza p, snidget, spinner’s end, split seven ways, swish and flick, the blibbering humdingers, the butterbeer experience, the cruciatus curse, the dumbledore’s army band, the gryffindor common room rejects, the half-kneazles, the house of black, the nifflers, the parselmouths, the potterwatch project, the quibbler writing staff, the sweetwater all-stars, the wizarding world, wingardium leviosa, wrockstock the third -
Creevey Thursday!
photo by ginginny77 MC Kreacher, dropin’ some sweet rhymes, at the WizRock iz Ded show post Leaky Con in Boston. Keep sending in those photos to the flickr group!
Question Tuesday
An easy question for today: What are your summer wizard rock plans? Unfortunately, the Pottercast/Lupins/Willows tour isn’t coming to my city, so the last of my summer wizard rock plans are tonight, when I get to see The Remus Lupins and Gred and Forge play.
Creevey Thursday!
Did you know The Remus Lupins are on tour right now? You might not get to see them play in a field of flowers, but they’re probably coming to a city near you. Check the calendar or their MySpace for dates!
Question Tuesday
After driving through Ohio in my little Mazda last week, I got to thinking about touring and spending excessive amounts of time in a vehicle. So, let’s say you go on tour. What would be your ultimate tour transportation? I figured that I would be reasonable and not go for a stretch limo or any…