Category: Archived Features
#MuggleMusicMonday for the minibosses
This past weekend, my roommate and I had a very small “house warming” party. It was just a small group of friends in the end, but we wanted to have extra fun and gave it a theme: video games. One friend showed up in a fantastic Luigi costume, I was a paddle from Pong, and…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
Welcome to this week’s Wrock Wrap Up! Don’t forget to keep us updated on your Wrock news! General Now that Wrockstock is over, several wrockers have posted blogs reflecting on Wrockstock including Creevey Crisis and Diagon Alley. So if your favorite wrock band was at Wrockstock, check out their MySpace for their reflections and pictures…
catchlove, chaos of the phoenix, creevey crisis, dawlish and the archies, diagon alley, hogwarts hotel, hollow godric, ministry of magic, prophets of godric’s hollow, secondhand magic supplies, severus and the snapes, swish and flick, the chinese chomping cabbages, the first task is dragons, the flitterblooms, the sorting hat, witherwings -
A Ginny Potter Revelation on #WrockWednesday
This #WrockWednesday, I want to share with you a band that I first discovered in the process of running the Wizard Rock Peoples’ Choice Awards this past year. For those unaware, Art Baum helped Freya and I out to a major degree (thanks again for your hard work!!!), so he was in on all of…
Question Tuesday
I like to plan ahead. I already have several New Year’s resolutions to implement in 2010, and it got me to thinking about what I want to do in regards to the wizard rock part of my life. What are your wizard rock-related plans in the next year? I’m planning to keep running the ‘pedia…
#MuggleMusicMonday Gets Antsy in the Pants
I found out, through my minimal research, that Antsy Pants was on the Juno soundtrack. So plenty of people will have heard them already, I’m sure. However, my reason for wanting to share this band with you is as a result of Draco and the Malfoys. During their set at Wrockstock, they shared a song…
After some technical difficulties getting home from Wrockstock, and a hard-hitting case of WSN1, I regret that I was unable to get to Question Tuesday until now. Today’s question was inspired by Stine’s comment last week: “I would definitely classify the AVPM soundtrack as wizard rock. It’s music, it’s awesome, and it’s about Harry Potter.…
Creevey Thursday
photo by erratic0101 Pretty sure that Chloe will not grow up to be a Gryffindor. Just a hunch. (thanks to Erin for help with this week’s Creevey Thursday!)
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
Welcome to this week’s Wrock Wrap Up! Don’t forget to keep us updated on your Wrock news! General Potterock is putting together a collaborative video from all over the world with the theme of “people from whole world making a gesture for peace.” All it entails is recoding a video of someone in a tipical…
Supporting High School Acquaintances for #MuggleMusicMonday
What’s this? High school acquaintances? Well, it’s the truth. Back in middle school and high school I knew a boy by the name of Ben Ruttenburg. He was a generally average individual, from all I knew of him. It was passing odd that his father was so very into getting us kids (as 8th graders)…
Wrockstock Creevey Thursday
Wrockstock is tomorrow, so this is our last of the Wrockstock Creevey Thursdays! If you will be there, please find me and Dinah to say hello. We would love to meet everyone! If not, follow us on Twitter to get updates all weekend long! @wizrocklopedia @WrockDinahSaur @pediagirl We will be updating video on our YouTube…