Post-Portus Dance Party Expands
The wizard rock show and dance party following Portus on the night of Sunday, July 13th, has grown to include Catchlove and Oliver Boyd & the Remembralls in addition to The Whomping Willows and The Remus Lupins. The latest edition of The Portal (a mini-issue) explains, “Admission is $20 and includes snacks, non-alcoholic beverages (although…
Under-Appreciated Song of the Week
This week we go INTERNATIONAL to SWEDEN! The song is called “The Smile Potion” by The Halfblood Princess. Who doesn’t need to smile? This song is very mellow and is soothing to your soul. It makes you smile and brightens your day from start to end; it’s very creative and catchy. The vocals are incredible…
May 20th Pic of the Day
Masquerade 99 Red Balloons 2 Your Wizard Rock Photo of the Day, brought to you by wizrocklopedia. Is the forced nostalgia over yet? The finale to Phoenix Rising last year was a masquerade. Wrock fans bombarded the DJ with requests for “99 Red Balloons”, to which they enthusiastically belted the lyrics to “99 Deatheaters” by…
On the Road with the Accio Bodyguard Tour
The lovely Lauren Fairweather will graciously be providing us with an inside look at the Accio Bodyguard tour through a series of tour blogs sent to us from the road! In a similar fashion to last year’s House of Awesome Tour Blog, Lauren will be filling us in on her and Lena’s shows on the…
Accio Bodyguard Tour Diary: Episode 1
For the first time in four months, I am actually not freaking out about this tour. When I was planning it, I had stress related breakdowns on a regular basis. Now that I’m actually on the road (enjoying myself immensely by the way) I am a lot less worried about it working out. When you…
Floridians Prepare for a Sci-Fi Invasion
Southern Florida’s Metromix published “Freaks and geeks: The Florida SuperCon comes to town this weekend” this morning, an article about the impending festivities of this coming weekend. Wizard rock acts are mentioned amongst Harry Potter film stars, comic book artists, and more. “Naturally no self-respecting Wizard would show without knowing s/he has got to go…
Swept Away Pre-Order Available Now
The album by Witherwings can be pre-ordered now by visiting the band’s MySpace page through May 26th. The CD contains eight tracks and includes three brand new songs. Pre-ordered CDs will be shipped free of charge, making the cost of the album $10. Those of you in the Orlando area can also see Witherwings perform…
Musical Monday Returns
I’m always grateful when my Monday is brightened by new wizard rock. Here are the new songs out today! The Basilisk In Your Pasta has a new tune in the form of a video. Called “Harry in the 60s”, you can watch it in their most recent blog entry or on YouTube here. The Blibbering…
May 19th Pic of the Day
Spinner’s Alley The Parselmouths Your Wizard Rock Photo of the Day, brought to you by wizrocklopedia. Okay, so in case you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m going to keep posting Phoenix Rising pictures until the anniversary of the con is over! On this night last year, SpinnersCast and SpellCast joined forces to bring you…
Wrackspurt, PoP, and Wild Magic Bring the Tunes
Wrackspurt has uploaded a clip of a song they’re working on. It’s called “Umbridge Blues”. According to the band’s blog, “It’s a peek in to our often goofy rehearsal process.” Proverb of Puremuggles, meanwhile, has provided the lyrics to their new song “Puremuggles”. You can listen to the song on their player and check out…