Wizard Rock on Conan O’Brien
Have you seen this?!
Creevey Thursday!
photo by Julie McLeod Where would wizard rock be without its fans?
The Dumbledore Challenge Calls to Wizard Rockers
If you are a member of the Harry Potter fandom and are on Twitter, chances are you’ve noticed everyone using the #Dumbledore hashtag in order to try and make it a trending topic. This is part of the #Dumbledore Twitter Challenge and I’ve already noticed the Wrock community joining in whole-heartedly! So if you haven’t…
Question Tuesday
Half-Blood Prince TONIGHT! In all my excitement, I am making a playlist for the drive to the theater. Unfortunately, I only have about a 10 minute drive. But for all of you out there that might have to go a bit farther, our staffer Laura made a longer list. Here’s what she came up with:
Half-Blood Prince and Azkatraz Events!
Can you believe that tomorrow, at midnight, many of us will get to see Half-Blood Prince? The excitement abounds! So, here’s what you can do this week to celebrate:
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
Less than four days until Half-Blood Prince! General With the approach of Half-Blood Prince, wizard rock has really gotten a lot of attention from Muggles this week! If you happen to catch something, please email us or Tweet it to @wizrocklopedia so we can get the word out.
142 staircases, dawlish and the archies, dj luna lovegood, draco and the malfoys, gred and forge, harry and the potters, hogwarts hotel, hollow godric, i speak tree, kwikspell, mc kreacher, oliver boyd and the remembralls, prophets of godric’s hollow, secondhand magic supplies, siriusly hazza p, statutory snape, swish and flick, the bandon banshees, the butterbeer experience, the moaning myrtles, the parselmouths, the remus lupins, the whomping willows, tonks and the aurors -
Creevey Thursday!
photo by Julie McLeod Sorry we’re a bit late this week! Here we have Riddle™ at LeakyCon. Did you know they are one of the 12 bands for the EP of the Month Club this year? If you haven’t yet subscribed, check it out here!
From Hogsmeade With Love
Question Tuesday
Everyone loves a good cover. For me, the only thing better is transforming it into a wizard rock song. What’s your favorite wizard-rocked Muggle song? I have to go with ‘Hippogriffs Deserve to Die’ by Draco and the Malfoys. The first time I heard it, I almost fell over in shock that someone would filk…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
Another week full of musical happenings! General New Wrockstock merchandise is available at their Cafe Press store.
as i lay dobby, dj luna lovegood, hogwarts hotel, justin finch-fletchley and the sugar quills, kingsley and the shacklebolts, luna’s ceiling, nimbus 9million, prophets of godric’s hollow, siriusly hazza p, solitary snape, split seven ways, the chocolate frogs, the cruciatus curse, the hufflepunks, the moaning myrtles, the nifflers, the potterwatch project, the ravenclaw revolution, the swedish shortsnouts, the whomping willows