Wrockstock Creevey Thursday
If you’re headed out to HC84 this weekend, you’ll get a chance to see Tonks and the Aurors before they play in November for Wrockstock. Not only is Steph headlining, but she is a stage manager for Wrockstock as well! Don’t forget – Wrockstock passes increase starting in September. Get yours today! photo by EmmyMik
Get Peeved This #WrockWednesday
This #WrockWednesday, I’d like to share an absolutely hilarious band from the UK with all of you. peeved is made up of Jack. Jack has a magical way with words that leads to some of my favorite comedy songs in the Wizard Rock genre. When I met Chris Rankin on Wrock Around the Rock, I…
Question Tuesday
Thanks to Julia for this week’s question! Which wrock show do you wish you could have been at? I’m not going to count Wrockstock here, since it is several shows, so I’d have to say Wrock Around the Rock. I adore boats and the ocean, so adding wizard rock to that sounds pretty awesome to…
Happy #MuggleMusicMonday, Nina!
This week, I’d like to bring us a little closer to home with the Muggle band of a Wizard Rocker we all know and love, Nina Jankowicz. Though many of our readers may know her best as “Nina Myrtle” in the Wizard Rock world, this talented musician is making a name for herself as a…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
Welcome to this week’s Weekly Wrock Wrap Up! Don’t forget to keep us updated on your Wrock news! General Calling all Wizard Rockers! Dinah is currently working on a project called the Daily Wrocket and would like your input! To learn more about it, email her at This past Monday was the two year bandiversary…
Wrockstock Creevey Thursday
Our featured artist today is none other than Creevey Crisis! When Russ isn’t wrocking out, he’s got a full schedule of job and family, so he doesn’t play shows terribly often. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to see him with a full band. Don’t forget – only 11 more days to buy your…
Where’s Your Hood At, This #WrockWednesday?
Best known for his collaboration with Catchlove on their submission for Jingle Spells 2, Danny Dementor is this week’s #WrockWednesday! While I have always done my best to keep up on all the Wrock bands and their happenings, I had been so caught up in travelling and studying abroad last year to pay as close…
Question Tuesday
It’s that time again. We’re getting closer and closer to September 1st, when school starts again. Unfortunately, some Muggle schools are not quite as enlightened and start earlier. What is your favorite wizard rock song about classes? For me, there’s the ever-classic Draco and the Malfoys‘ ‘Potions Yesterday’ and Gred and Forge‘s ‘History of Magic’.
#MuggleMusicMonday Says… Alexis Blue
Happy #MuggleMusicMonday, everyone! Today, I’d like to share with you a band that I came across as a result of my love of Harry Potter. A couple years ago, I decided that my university needed a Harry Potter Club. So I created one. Then it was time for International Education Week and we were asked…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
Welcome to this week’s Double Weekly Wrock Wrap Up! Don’t forget to keep us updated on your Wrock news! General Jessie of The Curse Breakers is back from a long hiatus and is “working for Voldy” now. Find out more at her blog. With the DIY attidtude of Wizard Rock, the majority of wrockers are independent songwriters constantly having to…
catchlove, creevey crisis, draco and the malfoys, harry and the potters, hollow godric, kingsley and the shacklebolts, lord voldi and the dark marks, oliver boyd and the remembralls, riddletm, the curse breakers, the fleur delacours, the lost diadems, the moaning myrtles, the ravenclaw revolution, the remus lupins, the silver doe, the whomping willows, the wizarding world, wingardium leviosa, wrockstock