#MuggleMusicMonday Tackles the 8-Bit Weezer Album
Instead of focusing on a single Muggle band today, I have decided instead to share with you an album that is available for free download from an awesome site, Pterodactyl Squad. I know I am a big fan of the band Weezer and that there are a ton of other Wizard Rockers out there with…
A Wizard Rock Advent Calendar
Zivlok of Dawlish and the Archies has decided to put together a Wizard Rock Advent Calendar leading up to Christmas. He will be posting one song per day that will be available for download for a 24-hour period. The first week will be solely music from Dawlish and the Archies, but following that, he is…
Just a Few Reminders
First and foremost, I’d like to remind everyone in the UK and anywhere remotely nearby that it is NOT too late to get your tickets for the Edinburgh Snow Ball. It takes place in Edinburgh, Scotland on the 18th of December. Unfortunately, it is limited to aged 14 and up, but all those in the…
The Toids for #MuggleMusicMonday
It’s #MuggleMusicMonday and today is dedicated to a band my roommate introduced me to, The Toids. This is a fresh and funky band to listen to when you’re feeling mellow and want something to both suit your mood and still pick you up a bit. It is rightly described in the “unclassifiable” genre, when put…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
Welcome to this week’s Wrock Wrap Up! Don’t forget to keep us updated on your Wrock news!
#WrockWednesday Takes On MC Kreacher
Okay, so last night a tweet from a friend caught me off guard. She was exclaiming over how awesome MC Kreacher is and how she just didn’t know it before. To which I responded that clearly I was lax in my duties if she was only just discovering this fact. Now, I can’t recall just…
Question Tuesday
Our American readers know that this Thursday is Thanksgiving. A common part of this holiday (other than turkey) is talking about what we are grateful for. It also kicks off the start of the holiday season for us, a time where I am nothing if not super sentimental. I figure we might as well start…
#MuggleMusicMonday for the minibosses
This past weekend, my roommate and I had a very small “house warming” party. It was just a small group of friends in the end, but we wanted to have extra fun and gave it a theme: video games. One friend showed up in a fantastic Luigi costume, I was a paddle from Pong, and…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
Welcome to this week’s Wrock Wrap Up! Don’t forget to keep us updated on your Wrock news! General Now that Wrockstock is over, several wrockers have posted blogs reflecting on Wrockstock including Creevey Crisis and Diagon Alley. So if your favorite wrock band was at Wrockstock, check out their MySpace for their reflections and pictures…
catchlove, chaos of the phoenix, creevey crisis, dawlish and the archies, diagon alley, hogwarts hotel, hollow godric, ministry of magic, prophets of godric’s hollow, secondhand magic supplies, severus and the snapes, swish and flick, the chinese chomping cabbages, the first task is dragons, the flitterblooms, the sorting hat, witherwings -
A Ginny Potter Revelation on #WrockWednesday
This #WrockWednesday, I want to share with you a band that I first discovered in the process of running the Wizard Rock Peoples’ Choice Awards this past year. For those unaware, Art Baum helped Freya and I out to a major degree (thanks again for your hard work!!!), so he was in on all of…