Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
Welcome to this week’s Wrock Wrap Up! Don’t forget to keep us updated on your Wrock news! General The band (formerly known as) Percy has changed their name to Percy and the Prefects to avoid confusion with other fandoms. Their website has also changed, and you can now find them on facebook. Songs The House…
Creevey Thursday
Gred and Forge – Wrockstock Reunited – photo courtesy of JenniRussell I. CAN’T. EVEN. I HAVE LOST THE ABILITY TO EVEN.
Question Tuesday – What IS Wizard Rock in 2013?
When wizard rock started way, way back in the day (100 years ago, it seems that way) it was 2 brothers playing in their backyard, who quickly started dragging their guitars and keyboard to other backyards and basements. When some other bands joined in, they usually grabbed their acoustic guitar and set up in a…
Snobby Sundays: Essence of Dittany
Welcome back to our final stop in our Wrock Tour ‘Round the World, as we look at a band from America’s Hat, also known as Canadia! Wait, if Canada is America’s Hat, then is Alaska the dumb ponytail that comes out of the back of the trucker hat? Is Alaska America’s Ponytail? DID I JUST…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
Welcome to this week’s Wrock Wrap Up! Don’t forget to keep us updated on your Wrock news! We’ve got a lot of great info to talk about this week, so let’s get to it. General Witherwings has announced that she’ll be playing a show at Cleveland ConConction in 2014. Congrats! Draco and the Malfoys have…
Flashback Friday – The Weasel King
This video pretty much needs no introduction. So it won’t get one. Just press play, watch, and listen. Love the song, love the performance, and love the integration of live loops with the playing and singing. Ah Weasel King, you can do no wrong…
Question Tuesday
With LeakyCon London quickly approaching, we’ll be seeing another big festival featuring wizard rock. Sweden recently had the Wrock and Love festival, and here in the US, Wrockstock Reunited just let a bunch of wizard rock fans go crazy and have fun. Wrock has always been an international phenomenon, just take a look at our…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
Welcome to this week’s Wrock Wrap Up! Don’t forget to keep us updated on your Wrock news! We’ve got a lot of great info and some fantastic new releases to talk about this week (plus we have two week’s worth of updates), so let’s get to it. General Undesirable #1 is now working on his…
Flashback Friday – Marked as His Equal
Here’s Marked As His Equal playing “Here We Stand” back in 2009 with some great audience participation. Give it a watch and sing along!
Wrockstock Reunited Vid – Gred and Forge
Here’s a touching video from Michelle of Gred and Forge performing “Fred’s Dead” from this past weekend’s Wrockstock Reunited. Were you there? Leave your thoughts and memories below, we’d love to hear about the fun everyone had!