The Wizard Rock Sampler: 2021
In 2016, the inimitable Grace Kendall put together the first ever Wizard Rock Sampler. Every year since then, over one hundred newly-released wizard rock songs from all over the world have been submitted and it’s time once again to open up the call for submissions for the 2021 Wizard Rock Sampler.
Making Magic: House Show How-To
Hello and welcome to the Making Magic series, where we’ve asked organizers of your favorite wrock shows to let us take a peek behind the curtain and show us how it all happens. This month we’ve got Michelle Brannon, who organizes legendary shows in the Northern Virginia area. ~*~
The Wrock Wreview: Nocturnes
The Album Note: The image shown is not the original EP cover; this image was taken from The Owl Post’s old MySpace page! The wizard rock band The Owl Post only ever released one EP, and that’s what we are going to review today! Originally released on May 1, 2007, and rereleased on July 17,…
Archive Releases: MC Kreacher!
This Bandcamp Friday, the Wizrocklopedia is incredibly proud to present–at long last–one of the all-time wizard rock classics: MC Kreacher’s Alone in the Dark. Check out the music y’all–you won’t regret it! If you can throw a few sickles into our download code fund on this Bandcamp Friday, please feel free to do so–but above…
Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Jam: April 2021
Hello and welcome to another month of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Jam! The seasons have changed and so will our theme, which will be revealed below.
The Wrock Wreview: Mirror of Erised
The Band Happy Saturday all! Today we’re going to reflect on an instrumental wizard rock band called The Mirror of Erised. The band is the pseudonym of composer Bruce Geller, a huge Harry Potter fan who dove headfirst into Harry Potter filk in 2007. Bruce has traveled across the country to perform his wrockish tunes…
Wrock Talk: Interview with Bruce Geller of Mirror of Erised
“And now for something [slightly] different.” For today’s Wrock Talk, I had the pleasure of chatting with Bruce Geller of the band Mirror of Erised, based out of Las Vegas. While still very much inspired by Harry Potter, Bruce’s music is a little bit different than your average wrock fare, for much of it is…
The Wrock Wreview: Gather Your Thoughts
The Album Hello friends! Let’s gather our thoughts and check out this rerelease of Into the Pensieve‘s Gather Your Thoughts. This eleven track album was originally released on February 11, 2008, and was rereleased on February 5, 2021. Let’s dip our wands into the Pensieve and dive right in!
Archive Releases: Snake Bite & Hex, Blood and Rock and Roll by Nagini
This Friday, the Wizrocklopedia presents two albums by legendary NYC wrocker Nagini! First up is Snake Bite! Snake Bite by Nagini The second release we have by Nagini today is Hex, Blood and Rock and Roll! It’s a greatest hits album featuring all sorts of awesome songs (including some non-wrock songs…). Enjoy! Hex, Blood and…
Exploring the Swedish Scene: March 2021
Here is an update of what has happened in the Swedish Scene since the last update in December. Comp Club The first volume of the Wizrocklopedia Comilation Club, titled Back to the Beginning came out March 10th. It has 10 tracks of great new original wizard rock, and rounding out the album with track…