New Wizard Rock Music
Potter and the Lightning Bolts have a new song entitled “Tom Riddle.” Death Eaters Anon has one called “12 Days.” And Romilda Vane & the Chocolate Cauldrons has posted a different version of the holiday song that will appear on An Enchanted Christmas called “Ginny’s Song.”
Magic Tree Bookstore Photos
Remus Lupins fan Crystal Hoover sent us these photos she took at the wizard rock show! Three more photos can be found right here.
Dec. 4th Pic of the Day
Joe and Paul Your Wizard Rock Photo of the Day, brought to you by freakapotimus. More awesomeness from the Philadelphia Yule Ball! Harry and the Potters rock it. Check out more of our favorite wizard rock photos.
Blog Updates from The Whomping Willows
Matt recently posted two blog entries. The first touches briefly on the things he enjoyed about the Philly Yule Ball while the second is an announcement that the Whomping Willows album is back in print!
“Human Hosepipe” Song of the Week
The Chocolate Frog has dubbed “The Human Hosepipe” by Harry and the Potters as their wizard rock song of the week. Read why. Also, hop on over to the HatP MySpace for a listen!
Potter Journal Bloopers
An amusing blooper reel featuring outtakes during filming their myriad of music videos! Thank you, Potter Journal.
NIU Muggle Ball Photos!
The Remus Lupins rocked the NIU Muggle Ball yesterday. This batch was sent in by Cori Conley. More photos from the Ball can be found by clicking here! And don’t forget to send us your own!
Dec. 3rd Pic of the Day
Merchandising! Your Wizard Rock Photo of the Day, brought to you by freakapotimus. Oh my gosh! Your first look at the Philly Yule Ball! Harry and the Potters in their Yule Ball attire. Click here to find out how you can send in your Yule Ball photos! Check out more of our favorite wizard rock…
The Remus Lupins in Oak Park, IL
Date: December 3, 2006 Time: 2:45PM Venue: Magic Tree Bookstore Location: 141 North Oak Park Ave, Chicago / Oak Park, Illinois 60301. CALL 708.848.0770. Cost: FREE “They are the center of HP book release awesomeness in Chicago, and now they are they destination for Wizard Rock in Oak Park! If you need more info on…
Band of the Month, December, Announced!
Oh my gosh, it’s that time again! I bet you’re all itching to know the identity of the second Wizrocklopedia Band of the Month. Well, here you have it, the latest Band of the Month is… The Mudbloods! Chosen by staff members Liz and khittie out of their sheer love of their beautiful wizard rock…