The Wrock Wreview: Snake Bite
The Album Athena Reddy, the person behind the band Nagini, has an album entitled Snake Bite that was rereleased on March 19, 2021. They currently do acting work (check out the link above) and I’m very excited to see what we have to listen to today! Ssssso, without further ado, let’sssss go!
Why We Fight: Bess of the ‘Pedia and WZRD Radio
Thank you so much to everyone who’s been part of the Why We Fight series. If you haven’t had a chance to read them, I strongly encourage you to check them out. No matter what you’ve been feeling about the fandom and Harry Potter, chances are you’ll find someone to relate to. And now that…
The Wrock Wreview: Alone in the Dark
The Album Hello and welcome to another Wrock Wreview! Today we’re going to take a look at Alone in the Dark by MC Kreacher. This EP was originally released as part of the 2009 Wizard Rock EP of the Month Club and was rereleased on April 2, 2021. Let’s dive into the inky depths of…
Exclusive preview: “Alone” by the Cruciatus Curse from TH1RTE3N
What’s up, wrockers? Today, we have a special post on the Wizrocklopedia! The Cruciatus Curse have a new album coming out June 10 on their Bandcamp page, their first new album in 10 years! We spoke to Denni from the band about their music and the new album, which is called TH1RTE3N! As a special…
Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Jam: June 2021
Picture, if you will, an artist. What are they making? Well, it turns out art comes in many forms, including poetry, portraiture, and song!
Why We Fight: Grace Kendall
Hello everyone, and welcome to the Why We Fight series. I’ve asked some of our favorite wrockers from around the world to talk about what they’re feeling now that JK Rowling is openly transphobic. Please feel free to join the conversation in the comments, but do remember these are sensitive subjects and real people you’re…
The Wrock Wreview: The Remedial Potions Singles
The Album Today’s Wrock Wreview is going to cover a compilation of songs released by The Remedial Potions from circa 2007-2008. The Remedial Potions were a Slytherin band, and most of their music is currently lost. These seven singles were rereleased on July 17, 2020, simply entitled The Singles.
Why We Fight: Ash of Aguamenti
Hello everyone, and welcome to the Why We Fight series. I’ve asked some of our favorite wrockers from around the world to talk about what they’re feeling now that JK Rowling is openly transphobic. Please feel free to join the conversation in the comments, but do remember these are sensitive subjects and real people you’re…
The Wrock Wreview: Live at the Library
The Album The wrock band Witherwings did a live performance at a library in Orlando, FL in 2008 and released the live songs from that performance thirteen years later in April 2021! That’s what we’ll be reviewing today: Live at the Library. Grab your library card and settle in, here we go!
Archive Releases: Celestial Warmbottom
This Friday, the Wizrocklopedia is proud to present two awesome rereleases of 2009 wizard rock EPs! This one’s a is the jazzy treat: Empress of Wizard Blues by the mysterious Celestial Warmbottom! Download it here—and check out our other awesome reissue today, a classic EP by Neville’s Diary! Celestial Warmbottom: Empress of Wizard Blues by…