Harry and the Potters in Hamilton, NY
Date: March 2, 2007 Time: 7:00PM Venue: Colgate University Colgate Bookstore Location: 3 Utica Street, Hamilton, New York 13346 Cost : Free! An all ages show open to the public! Visit the band’s site for more info!
Parselmouths Fanart Submission
It is still technically February 28th somewhere, which means The Parselmouths are still Band of the Month! And we received a fanart submission by the wonderful artist Dani, celebrating them. Check it out on The Parselmouths Fanart page! We’re always accepting wizard rock fanart of any band, of their likeness, or simply inspired by their…
And the WRPCA Winners Are…
It is officially March 1st on the East Coast, where the headquarters of the Wizrocklopedia currently reside. As promised, we have tallied the votes and released the names of the winners of the first annual Wizard Rock People’s Choice Awards! We’d like to thank everyone who participated, spread the word, and helped us out in…
Feb. 28th Pic of the Day
Parselmouths Performing Your Wizard Rock Photo of the Day, brought to you by wizrocklopedia. The Parselmouths ended their east coast tour with much enthusiasm. We hope you enjoyed Parselmouths month at the Wizrocklopedia. Tomorrow we’ll be unveiling not only the winners of the Wizard Rock People’s Choice Awards but also a new site layout and…
Song Previews from the Album Sssss Online
We have added song previews from our Band of the Month’s debut album to our collection! Sound clips from thirteen tracks off The Parselmouths‘ Sssss can be found at the album’s page. If you haven’t checked out the band yet, do yourself a favor and give these previews a listen. Lyrics for the songs on…
Northeastern News Article Mentions Wizard Rock
The article, entitled “The ‘Lost Boys’ generation: An era hooked on dodgeball, wizardry, and four square,” features an interview with Paul DeGeorge of Harry and the Potters. He lends the piece a few great quotes like, “I think a lot of the themes from Harry Potter can sort of tie over into reality. One of…
New Music from Remus and the Lupins
The band has put up a new version of “Ridikkulous” and has also released a new song entitled “Expecto Patronum.” Click on the song names to download them automatically, or visit the band’s MySpace profile to listen to them on their player. The songs will appear on their contribution to the Wizard Rock EP of…
Updates on the Hinky Punks’ Upcoming Album
According to the band’s website, The Hinky Punks‘ debut album A Wizard’s Diary now costs $8. Also included in your purchase will be a mini CD featuring their old songs as well as unreleased material. Visit for ordering info!
PotterCast 77 Features Guest Host Paul DeGeorge
Also known as “Harry Year 7,” Paul DeGeorge of Harry and the Potters joined the PotterCast Trio, talking Harry Potter theory as well as discussing the newly launched Wizard Rock EP of the Month Club. You can subscribe to PotterCast through iTunes or download Episode 77 directly by clicking here.
FantasyIsLove.Com Interviews the Wizard Rockumentary
The website, devoted to serving as an informational as well as creative center for the fantasy genre, recently interviewed Megan and Mallory Schuyler, the creators of The Wizard Rockumentary. In it they discuss a variety of topics ranging from the exciting things they’ve done while on the road filming, the future of the rockumentary, and…