
  • Wizard Rock and Wizrocklopedia Make Entertainment Weekly

    up close Your Wizard Rock Photo of the Day, brought to you by bluerose726. JK Rowling is named “Entertainer of the Year” in the November 30th issue of Entertainment Weekly. Included in their article is a section entitled “What She Hath Wrought,” which mentions wizard rock as “A magical music genre. Check out the exhaustive…

  • A Few Tour Diaries For You

    This past weekend Philadelphia played host to another wrock festival! A number of bands performed, including The Chinese Chomping Cabbages and The Butterbeer Experience. These two bands have posted tour diaries chronicling the events that transpired! The Cabbages have provided us with one entry while Lena of The Butterbeer Experience has written hers in two…

  • Under-Appreciated Song of the Week

    With some peer pressure and fantastic music/vocals comes this week’s pick. The song, “The Ballad of Percy Weasley”. The band, Peeved. This song is fantastic. I could stop there just because there are no words to describe how much fun it is to listen to, but here goes some more. This song, obviously, is about…

  • Nov. 17th Pic of the Day

    DSC_9154 Your Wizard Rock Photo of the Day, brought to you by Squib Girl. This picture of Alex of The Remus Lupins pretty much epitomizes wrocking out. Check out more of our favorite wizard rock photos.

  • And In Case You Needed Another Ball to Choose From…

    The Remus Lupins will be returning to Dekalb, IL for the NIU Muggle Ball on December 1st. The event takes place at 7PM and is preceded by NIU’s Muggle Academy. In addition to a performance by the Lupins, the Ball will feature refreshments, a silent auction, and a DJ for wizard dance party antics! Best…

  • Breaking News! Wrockstock 2008 Dates Announced!

    It was announced bright and early this morning that Wrockstock 2008 will take place over Memorial Day weekend, May 23rd through May 26th. That’s many more hours of wrocking! Because of this, the cost of tickets have increased slightly. Adult registrations will cost $100, juniors’ $75, and kids’ $25. Again, Wrockstock will take place at…

  • Yule Balls in Pennsylvania and Canada

    More holiday wrock celebration options are now available! In addition to the two-day Boston Yule Ball event and The Crystal Ball in Ohio, fans can also rock it like wizards in Pennsylvania and Canada. Festivities in Pennsylvania will occur between December 15th and 16th. Day one is a more formal event at a venue while…

  • More Wizard Rock On Radio UTD

    Fantastic news! Devin from The Owl Post will once again be co-hosting a wizard rock segment on RadioUTD next week. This time you can plan on two hours of wizard rock music and discussion! Tune in online, Tuesday, November 20th from 4-6pm Central Time, by clicking this link and choosing your connection speed.

  • Limited Edition CDs Going Fast

    The Hungarian Horntails passed on some words from Harry and the Potters via a blog post the other day. According to this information, approximately 50 subscriptions are left to the Wizard Rock EP of the Month Club. Subscribers of the Club receive 12 exclusive CDs featuring new music from wizard rock bands. Best of all,…

  • Album Release, Review, and Contest Results from Hogwarts Trainwreck

    Spokane based wrock band Hogwarts Trainwreck released their debut, self-titled album his Halloween. The nine track album is $10.99 and can be purcahsed by visiting the band’s MySpace page here. Also, our staff member Nicole has written a review of the CD called “Hogwarts Trainwreck, No Trainwreck.” Additionally, the band announced the winners to their…

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