Author: Lizz
Album Art Sneak Peak
The Whomping Willows gave the world a look at the cover art for the Wizards and Muggles Rock for Social Justice compilation album in their blog today! According to the blog, the art is “an almost final draft.” The album, which features songs from 22 bands, can be pre-ordered by visiting the Cheap Rent label’s…
Exciting News from the Nifflers!
The band announced in a recent blog that they will be releasing a split EP with Ron and the Weasleys once they hit the 500 friend mark on MySpace. The blog also mentions a hopeful performance at the symposium Prophecy in August as well as talk of a music video. Read the exciting news for…
Dark Shadows EP Released
The exclusive three track EP made by The Amun-Ra especially for the Wizrocklopedia is now online for you to download! The band was gracious enough to also include cover art. The songs and artwork can be yours by visiting this page. If you like what you hear, take a second and visit the band on…
New Content On Catchlove’s Website
Band member Jace has added more music to his band’s official website, including songs from his other projects Anakin Solo, Talons and Tea Leaves, and OMG It’s Jace. Some content is previously unreleased! Head on over to the Catchlove website and check it out.
The WRock Club 9 Online Now
This week’s edition of our wizard rock podcast features special guest Kristine of The Hermione Crookshanks Experience! Hosts Lizz and Lauren ask the lovely Kristine all sorts of questions from how she picked her band name and her plans for another album to what she thinks of the Book 7 cover art and where wizard…
Apr. 10th Pic of the Day
DatM Lakewood Ohio 8/16/06 Your Wizard Rock Photo of the Day, brought to you by wizrocklopedia. Bradley Malfoy appears to have some rage issues in this picture, taken during the Lakewood Ohio show back in August 2006. Brian Malfoy, though, doesn’t seem to be letting strangulation affect his ability to wrock out. Check out more…
Podcast of Awesome Premieres
An awesome, new wizard rock podcast premiered yesterday! Host Ashely is joined in the first episode by Brian of Draco and the Malfoys. Together they play 16 Harry Potter themed songs, including “We’ve Got Something to Say” by The Fleur Delacours, “Dobby” by Draco and the Malfoys, and “Harry Potter and the Rising of the…
SpellCast to Interview OOtP Composer
FictionAlley‘s Harry Potter fan creativity podcast SpellCast will be interviewing Nicholas Hooper, composer for the Order of the Phoenix movie, in the very near future. The show will be accepting questions from listeners to possibly be used during the interview! Questions can be submitted by visiting this forum thread at FictionAlley‘s website. Currently, there is…
WRock Club Call for Submissions
We’re developing a new segment for our wizard rock podcast! Entitled FANDOM, it will consist of submissions sent in by our listeners. We’re looking for poetry, humor, stories, song covers, and more, all about wizard rock. The deadline for inclusion in the next edition of The WRock Club is Sunday, April 15th, but we are…