Author: Dinahsaur
Question Tuesday!
In my post-LeakyCon daze, I have decided to turn this Question Tuesday into an opportunity for us to visualize an ideal situation in Wizard Rock. So here it is: If you were organizing a Wizard Rock event and had a $1 million budget, what would you do (other than fly out as many people as…
Wrock Around the Rock Tickets Available
Are you among those who cannot afford the cost of Azkatraz registration but wish you could make it to Wrock Around the Rock despite that? Well now you can! Wrock Around the Rock tickets have now been made available to those who have not purchased Azkatraz registrations. A standard ticket is $100 and a ticket…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
First of all, we would like to thank everyone for voting in the Wizard Rock People’s Choice Awards!!! We ended up with a total of 895 voters in this final round of voting! That’s amazing! Now, we’re tallying your votes and you’ll have to hang tight for our announcement of the winners following Freya’s Wizard…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
This week, we are combining the Wrap Up info from the past two weeks! So this should be fun! Remember, if you have some news to report, Contact Us! Did you play the Wrock Lyrics game with the Wizrocklopedia Twitter account on Wizard Rock Awareness Day? If so, you’ll find the final scores of all…
Take a Look Back on Wrock in 2008
We’ve been getting questions about the Wizard Rock People’s Choice Awards (WRPCAs). Will we be bringing them back again this year? Well the answer is a big YES! And they’re just around the bend, too! We will begin taking nominations in the next few days (stay tuned!), but we wanted to give Wizard Rockers and…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
General News On a slightly more personal note, we wanted to wish Abby Hupp – the bringer of Wrockstock – a very happy birthday! Her birthday was April 3rd, so if you missed it, run on by the Wrockstock Forums to wish her well. Draco and the Malfoys have launched a new site! It’s a…
142 staircases, creevey crisis, draco and the malfoys, gred and forge, justin finch-fletchley and the sugar quills, luna’s ceiling, ministry of magic, nagini, neville’s diary, oliver boyd and the remembralls, snidget, split seven ways, swish and flick, the butterbeer experience, the house of black, the misuse of muggle artifacts office, the potterwatch project, the quibbler writing staff, the whomping willows, witherwings, wrockstock -
A Message From the Editors
As many of you know, there have been some brief uprisings in the past related to MTV attempting to cover Wizard Rock. Not long ago, Freya and I were approached by the company to mend things with the Wrock community. They saw a great deal of success related to the Wizard Rock coverage and hoped…
Adventures in Wrock Part 2: The Gigs
Do you all remember how, a few weeks back, I posted that nifty column beginning to tell about my adventures in Europe and how it connected back to Wizard Rock? Well, I’m finally able to continue the mini-series after getting settled at my new job! Hurray! While more often than not, I will be describing…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
Welcome to this week in the Weekly Wrock Wrap Up! As usual, it’s been an exciting week in Wrock, even if there aren’t many things to report at the moment. Remember to send us your updates and so forth so we can include it in our upcoming wrap ups! Submit news using our submission form.…