Author: Camie
Creevey Thursday
pic by ginginny77 Brad of Draco and the Malfoys seems to be jumping for joy, or he is just playing some ultimate leap frog with his brother Brian. Keep sending in pics to the flickr group!
Creevey Thursday!
photo by kce106 Look, it’s the best of buddies, Matt of the Whomping Willows and Justin of Justin Finch-Fletchely and the Sugar Quills, sitting on a couch, doing their thing, playing guitar. Keep with the posting of awesome photos to the flickr group!
Creevey Thursday!
photo by Wizrocklopedia VoldeMark of Ministry of Magic is really belting it out here! Keep sending in those photos to the flickr group!
Creevey Thursday!
photo by erratic0101 Let me just say that if Stacy of Swish and Flick had the microphone and wand positions switched in this picture, I would be scared. Keep sending in those awesome photos to the Wizrocklopedia Flickr Group!
Creevey Thursday!
Photo by ginginny77 Hey everyone, look at Justin Finch-Fletchley sporting the newest fashion accessory! Continue to send in those awesome photos to the flickr group!
Creevey Thursday!
photo by Rachez I wonder what Lena of The Butterbeer Experience is thinking about in this picture? Please keep posting awesome pictures up to the Wizrocklopedia Flickr group. The more pictures we get in, the more awesome pictures we can show during Creevey Thursdays!
Creevey Thursday
Photo by Tonks&theAurors He flies through the air with the greatest of ease…. Alex of The Remus Lupins, gets some air at a show from this past summer. Too bad that the weather is going to stay cold for six more weeks… stupid groundhog. Check out the Flickr group!
Creevey Thursdays
Photo by yesitakephotos With the recent snow storms that have been popping up in various parts of the country, I believe it was a proper time to remind everyone to bundle up and wear a hat like Jarrod of Gred and Forge! Keep posting those pictures to the Flickr group!
Creevey Thursday
Adam wrocking out at the Bryn Mawr Yule Ball, courtesy of yesitakephotos. Don’t forget to check out our Flickr group!
Photo Feature Makes a Triumphant Return! Introducing Creevey Thursdays!
Photo by Camie Why is Nina of The Moaning Myrtles all smiles? Well, she is happy for a picture feature to be back on the Wizrocklopedia, of course!