A photo sits on my desk.
Over the years,
the desks have changed, the photo has not.
A moment in time, Wrockstock 2009.
More than just a memory.
More than just a festival.
I close my eyes.
Feel the crisp Ozark air.
The campfire nearby…
The warmth of the flames sustains me.
Wrockstock: wasn’t just a place.
It wasn’t simply an event.
Wrockstock was art.
It was joy. Family.
Wrockstock was love,
And love, you know,
is everything.
I was lucky enough to attend wrockstock five times. I’d been to many other conventions, and all of them were magical in some way. That feeling of meeting long-lost-friends you never knew you had was certainly present at all of them. But Wrockstock was an event in and of itself. Wrockstock was a family friendly music festival, deep in the Ozark Mountains. But anyone who’s ever been there will tell you it was so much more than that.
Wrockstock was were I went every year to learn about myself. It was where inspiration found me and helped me grow. It was where Madam Pince and the Librarians was born over a game of Apples to Apples. It was where I always knew I belonged.
I keep this photo of me, Michele, and Alex, taken by a person I don’t know (if you know who took it, please let me know!) on my desk at work. It’s been with me through three different jobs. I have looked at this photo almost every day for the past 11 years. In the photo, the three of us are sitting on a hill, overlooking a lake. I can almost hear the sound of wizard rock floating through the air. The simplicity of the image and the distance of the photographer, make this photo a perfect pixelated pensive.
I will never give up hope that one day I’ll be able to fall inside and revisit that day for real. In the meantime, I continue do my best at reproducing the Wrockstock magic through poetry, prose, song, and video.
I will be forever grateful to its founder and host Abby Hupp for her unique vision, incredible kindness, and unparalleled dedication. Thank you.
Here at Wrockstock (single) by Madam Pince and the Librarians
Wrockstock III – Wroad to Wrockstock Nov 6-9, 2009
(CW – Alex Carpenter appears as an audience member from 1:58-2:38)
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