This month, I am stepping in as a guest writer to tell you about a hard core rock-n-roll moment in wizard rock that happened at a convention in Ohio.
Though 2009 was right in the prime of wizard rock, many outside the fandom, even those deeply involved in scifi and fantasy conventions, had never heard of the genre. I had recently moved back to Ohio and had scheduled a small string of Witherwings performances in the Northeast, ending with a show at a convention in Columbus Ohio. MARCON, or Multiple Alternative Realities Convention, had been putting on conventions since 1966 and had a dedicated filk track. (Filk is typically folk music whose subject matter usually refers to science fiction or fantasy media.) Though wrock musicians never particularly identified as being filk, wizard rock did fit in perfectly to the music programming.
My husband—fiancé at the time—was already volunteering for the convention so he was able to put me in touch with the music programming leaders. I told them about wizard rock and asked if I could invite other bands to perform. I got the green light and put out a call on MySpace. (MySpace was the hub for all things wrock in 2009.) The Chinese Chomping Cabbages, and Lord Voldi and the Dark Marks replied that they were interested, and all three of our bands got on the schedule to perform.

From beginning to end, Lord Voldi and the Dark Marks’ whole story could not be more stereo-typically indie-punk-metal-rock. The guys had to drive from Illinois to Ohio and they called to say they were having van trouble. For a while there, it was looking like they might not make it to Ohio at all, but somehow it all worked out and they made it in time for their set.
From the first note, I knew this death metal band was going to cause waves at this convention. They were loud. I mean, LOUD. Remember, the filk track was normally mostly made up of acoustic folk musicians. The look of panic on the filk coordinator’s face was simultaneously comical and troublesome. I would be lying if I said I was not a little worried that this would be the last time wizard rock would be allowed at this convention.
The front of the room was vacant for the performance, but not because of a lack of interest. Rather, convention attendees were unable to resist popping into the partitioned ball room to see what all the racket was. I was told that Lord Voldi and the Dark Marks were disrupting panels all the way down the hall. In fact, sitting in the front row for just a few minutes to take a couple of photos caused me to loose hearing in my right ear for two hours. The volume was intense.
The filk coordinator, visibly concerned about the complaints coming from other parts of the convention, tried to ask the band to turn it down, but had no luck catching the eyes of the band members. So then he asked me to ask the band to turn it down. I felt torn. They were sort of my responsibility, but they were also being complete rock stars and I was in awe. Because there was no pausing between songs, I asked, well rather… pantomimed, the request to turn it down a little. I hoped that my expression conveyed my regrets at having to make this plea.
How did they respond? THEY GOT EVEN LOUDER. Well, I asked! I was secretly glad, though, that they just played on, because what a moment that was!

Though there would be no more disruptions to the convention by the band, this was not the end of their time at MARCON. Lord Voldi stuck around for the Midnight Open Filk meetup, and the guys sat down and performed acoustic songs. I don’t know how many wrock fans have ever had the chance to witness this band’s range of talent, but I was so glad that I did!

Despite my worries, it was far from the end of wrock performances at this convention. Not only did I get to perform again the next year, but the filk track at MARCON has hosted other wrockers since. In fact, The Blibbering Humdingers performed there earlier this month, and were the Musical Guests of Honor this year!
There is no doubt about it though, if Lord Voldi and the Dark Marks did anything at MARCON 44, it was to make more people aware of wizard rock!
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