Month: July 2021
Wrock The Reread – The Sorcerer’s Stone, Chapter 15: The Forbidden Forest
Chapter 15, has centaurs, unicorns, and a blood-drinking monster, oh my! Featured bands include: the 8th Horcrux, Harry and the Potters, the Giant Squidstravaganza, the Swedish Shortshouts, Ollivander, and Eyes Like Mine! Did I miss anything? Comment below and check out the ongoing feed on Wrock the Reread!
Wizrocklopedia Compilation Club: Volume 2!
The second comp album from the ‘Pedia Comp Club has been released! Astute subscribers might have noticed it in their inboxes last week. If you haven’t heard the new songs yet–run, don’t walk, to check your email.
The 2021 Wizard Rock Six Month Report: January-June, Part 2!
Welcome back, folks! This here is the second part of the Wizrocklopedia’s Wizard Rock Six Month Report for January-June 2021! If you’d like, you can check out part one right here and part three right here! We barely got halfway through March on last week’s installment, so let’s jump right back into the music without…
The Wrock Wreview: Drarry Love
The Album Hello and happy Saturday! Today we’re going to take a look at Drarry Love, an album by Room of Whateva. Hailing from Finland, this wizard rock band has compiled nine of their songs that are about Harry and Draco, or Albus Severus and Scorpius. It was released on April 3, 2015. Let’s take…
Archive Releases: Breakfast with Death Eaters & Rear Window by the Chocolate Frogs!
This Friday, the Wizrocklopedia proudly presents 2 classic EPs by the Chocolate Frogs! These two EPs are both sweet treats, and we can’t wait to share them with you! First up is Breakfast With Death Eaters! ?Breakfast With Death Eaters by The Chocolate Frogs And the second EP we’re rereleasing today is Rear Window! ?Rear Window by…
Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Jam: July 2021
Happy July! I hope you’re all able to keep a safe temperature, and that the stars align for you. Speaking of stars, take a look at the starry creations below! This month’s theme will be revealed at the end.