Month: November 2020
The Wrock Wreview: Transfiguration: A Wrock Comp for Trans Rights
The Album Album artwork by Quintin Gell I am very excited to be reviewing Transfiguration: A Wrock Comp for Trans Rights today. I had the pleasure to be a part of it (my song is the first track on the comp!) and I love what our community came together to do. Organized by CG Matovina,…
16 Gifts to Wrock the Season
Tis the season of generosity and after the year we’ve had, what better way to remind our friends, family, and especially ourselves that we deserve something nice than to pick out a special Wrock themed gift to brighten the day? We’ve asked our house elves to prepare a sampling of some of the most magical…
Reviewing A Very Potter Musical
The Show In the spring of 2010, I studied abroad for a semester in Edinburgh, Scotland. I had my laptop for schoolwork and keeping in touch with friends and family, in addition to checking a website every day that I believe was called Wizard Life. This webpage was a lot like other “FML” type sites,…
Creevey Tuesdays: Swish and Flick
The duo known as Swish and Flick are renowned for their high-energy live shows, but did you know they’re also the height of cool? Just check out this photo from an NYC gig. John (left) plays guitar and sings into a gramophone while Stacy (right) gets ready to drop another killer verse. If you’re in…
The Wrock Wreview: Songs of a Slytherin
The Band Album Artwork: Zoe Riches *It’s a Slytherin World is playing in Gamercat‘s headphones* Oh hey, didn’t see you there! I was busy rocking out to some amazing Slytherin music! Did you know that I’m 51% Ravenclaw and 49% Slytherin? I love being part of both of these Hogwarts Houses. Sssssssso, let’ssssss get to…
Archive Releases: Bella and the Deatheaters
Today, the Wizrocklopedia rereleases Bella and the Deatheaters‘ discography! Acoustic wizard rock from Northern Ireland for everyone! This release includes their EP Even Deatheaters Need Love, plus several singles that never made it onto another release. Check it out, and don’t forget to wrock out! Here’s the link! ?Even Deatheaters Need Love (with bonus tracks)…
Wrock The Reread – The Sorcerer’s Stone, Chapter 7: The Sorting Hat
Chapter 7, shows us the Sorting Ceremony and our first Hogwarts feast! Featured bands include: Tonks and the Aurors, Harry and the Potters, Ravenrock, RiddleTM, Ollivander, Seamus and the Finnigans, MuggleBorn, Hawthorn and Holly, The Gryffindor Common Room Rejects and the Mudbloods. Did I miss anything? Comment below and check out the ongoing feed on…
Wrock Talk: Interview with Adam Dubberly of the Mudbloods
Nestled in the mystical land known as Austin, Texas, there exists one of wizard rock’s greatest treasures: The Mudbloods, fronted by Adam Dubberly. Whereas many wrock groups (e.g., Harry and the Potters, or Draco and the Malfoys) are often seen as musical relatives of oddball bands like They Might Be Giants or Ween, The Mudbloods…
Creevey Tuesday: The Parselmouths
I hope you’re wearing pajamas right now, because this Creevey Tuesday is taking you to a pajama party with the Parselmouths! For their set at Wrockstock in 2010, The Parselmouths had an upbeat pajama party! For their performance of “Voldemort Fangirl” Kristina and Eia invited friends onstage for a pillow fight. They managed to perform…
Into the Pensieve: NYC Wizard Rock Festival 2
Ten years have passed since the second NYC Wizard Rock Festival wrocked Brooklyn. For this installment of Into the Pensieve: Wrock in Retrospect, we’re looking back at how this festival was more epic than the first, which is saying a lot, because the first one was pretty darned epic. CW: Mention of Ministry of Magic.…
celestial warmbottom, diagon alley, draco and the malfoys, hawthorn & holly, justin finch-fletchley and the sugar quills, madam pince and the librarians, ministry of magic, nyc wizard rock festival 2, snidget, swish and flick, the blibbering humdingers, the cruciatus curse, the house of black, the remus lupins, the whomping willows, tonks and the aurors