Question Tuesday

Our American readers know that this Thursday is Thanksgiving. A common part of this holiday (other than turkey) is talking about what we are grateful for. It also kicks off the start of the holiday season for us, a time where I am nothing if not super sentimental. I figure we might as well start the sap and love early with this week’s Question Tuesday.

What are you grateful for in regards to wizard rock?

I am, first and foremost, grateful for the people that I have because of wizard rock. I consider myself an adopted member of both hp-ohio and TGTSNBN, a co-editor and friend to an amazing person that I have only met in person twice, and a friend to countless others who I have met through wizard rock.
I am grateful to all the wizard rockers who took a chance and put up with the scoffing of the general public to write songs about Harry Potter. These songs consistently make me laugh, cry, and sing along while challenging my point of view on various characters and events in the series. You are my favorite literary critics.
And, of course, I am grateful to be an editor here and be able to interact with so many of you, via comments, emails, twitter, etc. It is a lovely addition to my fan experience and my life in general.
The last thing I am grateful for is the Wizrocklopedia staff that doesn’t get too much specific recognition. Laura, Maggie, and Aaron – you guys make this site better with your contributions. Thank you.

19 responses to “Question Tuesday”

  1. Helen Myrtle Dyes Her Hair (Formerly Avatar

    The acceptance and how everyone is included in everything. It doesn’t matter if anyone is… Strange. Look no further to see an example of how age doesn’t matter, as I’m 11.

    I would love it if there were more people who have more… LEGOish intrests…

  2. Laura! Avatar

    I am grateful to be a part of the community. If you had told me a year and a half ago, at Terminus, that I’d one day be completely immersed in Wizard Rock (in the best way possible) and going to 3 fandom events in a year, I would have laughed in your face. I didn’t see it as a possibility then, but now I can’t imagine doing anything differently.

    I am extremely grateful to be involved with the Wizrocklopedia.

    Freya and Dinah, I am thankful for YOU. I consider myself so lucky to be able to call the two of you my friends. LOVELOVELOVE.

  3. notmonica Avatar

    🙂 hp-ohio is grateful for YOU!

  4. Brad Ausrotas Avatar

    I’m thankful for it enriching my life so much. I’m not sure where I’d be without wizard rock. It is, truly, what has brought me into the fandom. The power of music can never, ever be understated, especially not in this case.

    But not only has wizard rock drawn me into this wonderful community, it’s kept me here and provided some of the most amazing experiences. Everything that wizard rock does only enhances my appreciation for this fandom as a whole.

  5. DJ Rae Carson Avatar

    Wizard rock has, first and foremost, led me to meet people with whom I have made life-long friendships. It’s opened opportunities for me to compose music in ways that I probably never would’ve tried. I never would’ve got brave enough to post my music to the public, and I never would’ve learned what I’m capable of, all because of the inspiration and encouragement from so many others. I’ve never played an “official” wrock gig, but just yesterday, my myspace page achieved the monumental goal of 21000 hits. Not bad for a gal who’s only ever seen a single wrock concert in her entire life! Dear Wizard Rock, I love you! Because of you, ‘I don’t feel transparent anymore!’ 😉 ~Rae Carson

  6. Marauder Avatar

    Rae: Wow, that’s monumental indeed! Congratulations! 😀

    I’m grateful that wizard rock isn’t a competitive genre and that anyone can be in it.

  7. Maggie Avatar

    Wrock provides an outlet for the creative energies of many while simultaneously promoting literacy, equality, and the themes of the Harry Potter novels. What *wouldn’t* you be thankful for?

    Plus, some damn good music.

    And the opportunity to “make a fool of oneself” in the eyes of the world… and not care, because there are thousands of other people who understand.

  8. Dumbledore's Army (New Hampshire) Avatar

    i love being able to dress up as harry potter, and jump around in front of 20 people and scream into a microphone and have them applaude after we finish our songs!!, and i love all the music

  9. Jonathon Rosenthal Avatar

    Several people beat me too it, but we ARE grateful to you and Dinah and the whole ‘pedia team. Your efforts are tremendous and your energy is addicting. I wish we could all have a big holographic thanksgiving dinner with each other =)

  10. Whompy Avatar

    This may sound dramatic or heavy-handed, but wizard rock seriously saved my life. I’m thankful for every bit of it.

  11. Dinahsaur Avatar

    This may come as a surprise to some people who have met my more exuberant self, but I used to be shy as the dickens. (Oh my goodness, I really am turning into an old woman with my turns of phrase, aren’t I?) But it was starting to attend Wizard Rock events that made me realise that… I can make a fool of myself and it doesn’t matter. Because that fool is me. And if I’m being myself, then I’m doing well for myself.

    Now I am a dancing fool (emphasis on the word “fool”), I share my writing with anyone who will read it (duh, Daily Wrocket, much?), and I run up and introduce myself to anyone and everyone because I can. How much more awesome can it get?

    So in the end… I’m thankful for all of you! For being so wonderful and being so accepting. You all are amazing to me.

  12. Russ Avatar

    Wizard Rock helped me regain a 20 year love of music that I had lost for a little while. It also restored some faith in the future of music. I’ll forever be thankful for that.

  13. Nagini Avatar

    I learned guitar, learned to record, got to use my voice again, had a reason to play clarinet again.

    And Zoe. She’s like my sister.

  14. Stine Avatar

    What am I thankful for in regards to wizard rock? Basically everything. I got into wizard rock at a time when I really needed something fun and positive to immerse myself in, and it ended up changing my life. I’m thankful for all the bands and the music they have brought into my life, but most of all I’m thankful for the community as a whole – bands and fans alike.

    The wizard rock community has taught me so much, and it has allowed me to get to know so many amazing people. The love and acceptance I have been met with has made me a better and more self confident person. If anyone had told me 2,5 years ago that I would be travelling over 4000 miles, all by myself, to spend a weekend in the US together with 4-500 of what my parents would call “complete strangers”, I would probably have told them they were crazy. But as it turns out, that’s what I did, and I had the experience of a lifetime.

    All in all, this is an amazing community, and I’m so lucky that I get to be a part of it. Thank you.

  15. Helen Myrtle Dyes Her Hair (Formerly Avatar

    More! Wrock… It’s indescribable. And for me ‘Because of Wizard rock, I don’t feel TRANSPARENT Anymore!’ Was true.

  16. MissParkinson Avatar

    I’m thankful for wizard rock as a whole, because it’s gotten me through some pretty tough times in the last few months. I’ve changed so much in the last couple months and in the end, it was for the better, but I had to go through a bunch of crap first. Listening to albums like “Demons at the Helm” kept me calm and moderately happy where if I was me a few years ago, I would be harming myself someway somehow.

    I only started getting into wizard rock for real about a year ago, and I’m thankful every single day that I have the opportunity to be friends with people like Brian Ross, Matt Maggiacomo, and many others. Even if they never know who I am, I always consider them a friend.

  17. Avery Avatar

    I recently celebrated the anniversary of my first wizard rock show (Whomp the House Tour for the win!) and the start of real fandom, so I have been thinking about this a lot. I am really thankful to wizard rock for giving me something to get excited about. I am the complete nerd in my class, so I used to only get excited about the particularly delicious long division problem I had to do. Now I have sort of inner squee every time I check my emails and see that a band has a new blog post, or the ‘pedia has a new article. I am also grateful for wizard rock bringing me closer to my sister. Now we have something we can share with each other. (Not to mention fangirl…)
    It’s been said before, but really this just sums it up: Because of wizard rock, I don’t feel transparent anymore.

  18. Joella Avatar

    Dear Avery,
    Don’t write such touching things that make me tear up when I’m supposed to be working on my NaNoWriMo. You know me better than that, you silly sister! (Yes – I am the ‘sister’ Avery talks about :P)
    Love, Joella

    Okaaaaay. Uhm… Because of Wizard Rock, I don’t feel transparent anymore. There’s really not much more I can say. Because of wizard rock and the HP fandom, I have some of the best friends in the world, and I can go down to the middle of nowhere in Missouri and be surrounded by 300 nerds and feel completely at home.

    The HP fandom is my home. I can say that I listen to music about wizard rock and not feel awkward telling people that. And while I’m not ashamed of it, I’ve always felt a little awkward to say that I ‘listen to music about Harry Potter’ to a muggle, when they ask me what my WS wristband is, or what music I’m listening to on my iPod or whatever. Within the fandom, I don’t feel that at all – I can say “Oh have you checked out the new Oceanic 6 track?” without feeling like whoever I’m talking to is going to laugh at me. They’re nerds too, so they’ll get it. <3

  19. Freya Avatar

    Avery – you squee at new ‘pedia articles?!? I’m so touched.

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