Weekly Wrock Wrap Up

Has everyone seen Half-Blood Prince by now? Try to keep the comments spoiler-free, but what did you think? I’ve seen it twice, and I think it’s my favorite of the movies.


With all the Harry Potter attention this week, it’s no surprise that wizard rock has been all over the place as well. Check out the Muggles writing/talking about wrock:
Wizards of Rock: Harry and the Potters, Draco and the Malfoys and other bands conjure musical genre

Paste Magazine featured Swish and Flick, The Moaning Myrtles, The Whomping Willows, Harry and the Potters, The Parselmouths, and Gred and Forge songs on Tuesday.

Wizard Rock

Nobody can rock like these Harry Potter-inspired bands

Clip from the Rachel Maddow show about We Are Wizards here!

Public Radio International did a piece here.

Harry Potter inspires loyalty, variety, vitality

Tonks and the Aurors will wizard-rock you

BBC clip about We Are Wizards

Conan O’Brien mentioned Harry Potter and wizard rock during his monologue on Thursday! You can watch it here if you are in the U.S. Unfortunately, I can’t find a clip that works in the rest of the world. Sorry, guys.

Wizard rock, a look at wrock bands inspired by Harry Potter. Make sure you read the snarky last sentence.

Lots of familiar faces from The Group That Shall Not Be Named in the Village Voice slideshow.

All of the Ministry of Magic boys are on Twitter now!

Jeff from A Couple of Harrys has a cat that needs a home. From his bulletin: “I have a cute orange tabby cat about a year old that needs a home. He’s very sweet, likes to cuddle and play, rolls on his back a lot, likes to be rubbed, doesn’t scratch fabric, is litter box trained, doesn’t puke from eating too much”. If you live in the L.A. area and are interested, go message him on their MySpace! Look how cute he is!


Creevey CrisisNot Standing Silent in its entirety is now streaming on his MySpace page.

Kwikspell has made her album Magic 101 available for free for the next week! Go grab it here.

The Silver Doe‘s debut album, Lily’s Last Breath, is available for pre-order here.


Blue and Yellow Wand has posted lyrics to her songs at her LiveJournal for you to peruse.

New songs from:
The Cheering Charms, a cover/parody of ‘I’m A Believer’ by the Monkees, called ‘I’m A Dementor’

Secondhand Magic Supplies, ‘From France, With Love’

Severus and the Snapes, ‘Like Snape Remix’, a remix of ‘Like Snape’ by the Potter Puppet Pals. Download it for free here.


Lauren of The Moaning Myrtles and Hank of the vlogbrothers have a video for their collaborative song, ‘Howler’.

Siriusly Hazza P posted a video for ‘Detox Diary’.

Have you seen The Parselmouth‘s video for ‘Spattergroit’? I am left wondering what everyone used to make their spots and how hard they were to remove!

9 responses to “Weekly Wrock Wrap Up”

  1. Sam Avatar

    Well in response to the Examiner’s last line, I think that is just stupid and I think everyone involved in Wizard Rock and the fandom knows that it will be around forever! 🙂
    And in response to your question Freya, I used, well what I thought was, washable magic marker, although it turned out instead NOT to be washable so I spent maybe an hour trying to get all the spots off of my face and arms. Luckily the ones on my face came off pretty easily. The spots on my arms didn’t however…

  2. Emily Avatar

    I was in the Spattergroit video! I used purple eyeshadow, which ended up being very easy to remove. Although I recorded it at like 11pm after a long day of filming, so I look kind of gross, but I will look gross for Wizard Rock any day. :]

    I’ve only seen HBP once so far (seeing it again tomorrow), but I think it might be my favorite too.

  3. Andrew Avatar

    I seriously need to make it up to NYC to hang out with The Group sometime. They’re awesome and well-dressed! Plus I’ve always wanted to catch a show at the Sidewalk..

    I’ve only seen the premiere showing, but I thought HBP was fantastic. Definitely my favourite. Not without gripes, but canon purist though I am, I’ve long accepted that the films will never be exactly what I wish of them. (For one thing, they’re not going to be 10 hours each..)

  4. elizawriter Avatar

    HBP was great. Preferred OOTP though x I love all the action that the wrock scene has been getting. It’d nice when credit is given when it’s due…

  5. Lana Alethea Avatar
    Lana Alethea

    HBP was great. Seen it twice so far! I don’t think it’s my favourite film in the series, too much romance/comedy… Final scene was a bit of a let-down.. too rushed.

    That comment about Wrock on Examiner was rude to say the least!

  6. SkylinePigeon Avatar

    That Spattergroit video is just too cute!

    Does anyone know where I can get the original Potter Puppet Pals mp3s? I’d love to have them but have never been able to track them down. Totally open to paying if they are on an album.

  7. Linorien Avatar

    SkylinePigeon: just go to potterpuppetpals.com and it’s on there.

    By far HBP was the best movie so far. I saw it at midnight with some friends and was the only one dressed up, oh well. I loved the felix felices scene, I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time!

  8. eviljim Avatar

    Well for starters,The Parselmouths Spattergroit video is brilliant and freakin’ hilarious!I’ve seen HBP twice now and I really,really liked the movie a lot.Fred and George’s joke shop scene I could watch over and over!!!!Helana Bonham Carter’s insane take on Bellatrix is a hoot LOL So much of the movie was done so well-however,there is no getting around that for me,at least,the ending of the movie was a big dissappointment!I just found it emotionaly unsatisfying.Fortunetly,I found a Wizard Rock solution that made me feel better about the end of the movie,When I got back home,I played “Dumbledore”&”Phoenix Song”by Harry and the Potters and I felt like I had given Dumbledore a more proper send off.At least in MY mind:)

  9. Freya Avatar

    @eviljim: I do agree that part was fairly unsatisfying. I didn’t even cry! Wtf?!

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