Question Tuesday

Thanks to everyone that weighed in with their answers for last week. Obviously, based on your responses, we won’t be canceling the Weekly Wrap Up any time soon. I also wanted to say that reading all the positive feedback was quite heartwarming for both me and Dinah. We very much appreciated it.

But onto this week!

Have you ever had someone recognize wizard rock while you were listening to it?

I listen to music in my car loudly and with the windows down. When I drive past pedestrians, I always secretly hope that they will yell something about Ministry of Magic as it blares from my speakers, but it hasn’t happened yet.

26 responses to “Question Tuesday”

  1. evanna11 Avatar

    No.. But that’s because I only listen to it on my iPod or on the computer.. Sometimes I sing softly and hope someone will recognise it.. But I don’t do that often, and if I do it’s probably too soft.. (my singing is really bad..)

  2. Sam Avatar

    No, but I can’t wait until that happens. I usually listen to it on my iPod or my computer though, so it probably won’t happen anytime soon.

  3. dcsbelle Avatar

    Not so far. I sometimes hum random songs in public but no one recognizes the tunes unless they’re in my HP meetup group. If a stranger ever picked up on it I’d probably jump up and give them a big hug and kiss!

  4. Laura Avatar

    Not music but…

    One time someone recognized a JFF shirt I was wearing. 🙂

    Another time a coworker was looking through my iPod. She kept telling me she didn’t know any of the bands untell she got to The Remus Lupins, Spell From A Broken Wand. She got all excited and said she knew that one! Her dad had a copy that he was given as a gift. Aparently her dad is a big HP fan.

  5. Ravenclaw2313 Avatar

    I’m with Laura. I’ve never had anyone recognize music, mostly because I’m usually listening to an ipod, but I have had people recognize my shirts. I think that best time was when a girl in my class said, “You wear Harry Potter shirts all the time, but I don’t get them and I’ve read the books.” She knew that The Whomping Willow was a tree but my shirt said The Whomping WillowS so what did that mean. It was a blast to get someone else interested in Wrock.

  6. Emily Avatar

    I had someone once recognize my JFF shirt, but I think it was because she’d read the books, not because she new his music.

    I did have one really weird experience that I was never sure what to make of. I was driving home from school one gorgeous spring day with my windows down and MoM blaring out my speaker, singing along as usual. This pickup truck passed me, and as they drove past, the two guys inside leaned out and yelled something at me. I have no idea what it was, Evenesco Dobby was way too loud. The way I see it, though, it was one of three options: 1. They were hitting on me at 40 miles an hour; 2. They were yelling at me to turn my music down (even though I was going straight and they were turning…); or 3. They liked that I was playing Ministry of Magic. I have no grounds to believe it, but I like the think the third is true. 😛

  7. Ellen Avatar

    I was at a coreography rehearsal for my school play, & i had save ginny weasley stuck in my head. I started singing it when there was a little break, and the girl next to me goes “wait! i KNOW that song!” & we started singing it together.
    very magical, if i must say so myself. 😀

  8. Ashley Avatar

    Funnily, yes. My friend Pat recognised Pretty Girl by peeved once when I was listening to it on myspace. Weird.

  9. Ashley Avatar

    Oh yeah, he said he recognised it because a friend had it on their phone. As yet, I still don’t know who this mysterious friend is, but it intrigues me.

  10. Dinahsaur Avatar

    The only people who recognize my Wrock around me are people I’ve introduced it to.

    However, I wore my “Make Love Not Horcruxes” shirt to WonderCon to great acclaim. I don’t think anyone recognized it as a Wizard Rock shirt, but I was given the opportunity to explain Wizard Rock to people at least a dozen times when they commented on the shirt.

    Totally fun!

  11. Hogwarts Hotel Avatar

    I wish i could meet people this way. The closest thing to this I’ve come to is when, quite recently, I told my friend Sharon I’m going to the Remus Lupins concert in Vancouver, and she had heard one song by them on Youtube. It was sooo super awesome finding someone who knew anything at all about wrock. She is now coming to the concert with me. I’m so super pumped.

  12. opiopi Avatar

    It hasn’t happened yet, no… Probably because I feel like the lonliest wizard rock fan in this country…

    I also drive with my window open and WRock on the stereo so loud that I can’t even hear myself think. But nooooooo, no one ever notice. I tried to play The Parselmouths to a biker that pulled up next to me a couple of days ago, but he didn’t react one bit…

    I’ll keep playing wizard rock in my car, though. I will never give up 🙂

    I would love the day someone recognizes it 🙂 I would probably squee so loud that people in white will come and take me away 🙂

  13. Kjetil Avatar

    Sadly no, but I keep trying. Playing it loudly in the car with the windows open as you said.

  14. Lori Longbottom Avatar

    Nope. But by loudly shouting some Swish and Flick lyrics (primarily ‘Cho Chang Shake Your Thang’, and ‘Draco Malfoy’) I have not only succeeded in getting some laughs, but excitement that is the genre of Wizard Rock.

    It’s more of a process, but hopefully someday my exuberance will attract a fellow wizrocker ;D

  15. Kate Avatar

    Not a recognized song, but I was wearing a Remus Lupins shirt and someone knew of them. And once I was at a local concert and there was a guy wearing a HatP shirt.

  16. Linorien Avatar

    No, however I talk about it so much that people ask and I explain. I think I’ve converted two friends already.

  17. Amy Avatar

    No :/ I wish!

  18. Caity Avatar

    ….. my college roommate, Alex. She looked up the first week we were rooming together and went, “Is this the Remus Lupins?!” It was then I knew we’d make great roommates.

  19. Andrew Avatar

    @Dinahsaur – I wore my MLNH shirt to Kennywood and last week and two people pointed out how awesome it was. One was a ride operator! 😀

    Though they only recognised the general HP theme, and I didn’t get a chance to explain wizard rock or the band. Alas.

  20. eviljim Avatar

    Unfortunatly,no not yet.However,once,I was comming back to work with my lunch and I was singing”Don’t Throw That Book at Me”by the Moaning Myrtles,and playing air guitar,loudly!!!!
    And some delivery guys made fun of me and I didn’t care!
    But I’m about to start a wizard rock experiment here in Brooklyn!I’m gonna put fresh batteries in my CD boom box and play nothing but Wizard Wrock out on the front stoop
    for the neighbors for the rest of the summer!!!!!!!
    I’ll report how THAT goes!
    Evil Jim

  21. WizardRockDA Avatar

    I haven’t, but I do the same thing. Everytime I’m blasting Wizard Rock with the windows down or wearing a wrock shirt, I always have the secret hope that someone will recognize it, but no one ever does. 😛

  22. Freya Avatar

    @EvilJim: That is the best idea ever.

    @Andrew: Kennywood?!? How have we not met at a Pittsburgh show?

  23. Andrew Avatar

    @Freya I’m shy!

  24. Freya Avatar

    @Andrew: Shy is not allowed at wizard rock shows! I will find you next time. 🙂

  25. Andrew Avatar

    @Freya 😮

    … 😀

  26. Shannon Avatar

    I’m not the only one who blasts wrock with the windows down?! Yay! 😀 And sadly, no I haven’t had anybody recognize wrock while I’m listening to it. I hope it happens one day though! 🙂

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