Lots of New Bands!

Now, normally we don’t list every single new band in posts here on the blog, but as I just added 58 new bands to our Band Listings page, I thought I would highlight them here so you all will know what bands are new to the list.

Not all of these bands are brand new. In fact, some of them are rather old and inactive now. However, every single one of them has at least some music up on their page for listening to! So check them out, add them as friends on Myspace, and give them feedback! Maybe that’ll be enough to convince some of the inactive bands to start making music again. You never know!

Before you look at the list below, know that the total number of bands now listed on the site is 660! WOW!!!!

A Ravenclaw Prefect
The Aurors
Avada Kedavra Killer
The Beater Broke His Club
Celestina Warbeck (Texas)
Charlie and the Dragon
The Deathsticks
Delores Umbitch Liberation Front
The Dementors (Canada)
dj Hallows
Dobby’s Sock
Expecto Patronum
The Gargling Nargles
George’s Left Ear
The Halfblood Princess (Sweden)
The Half-Blood Princess (Japan)
The Hallows (Norway)
The Hepogriffs
I Hate Voldy
Johnny B. Lovegood
The Leaky Sisters
Luna Doogevol
Luna See
The Marauderesses
My Magical Romance
Ninen 3/4
No Windows for Weasley
Phoenix Song
Polly and the Juice Potions
Professor Filk
The Quick Quotes Quills
The Ravenclaw Revolution
Red Hair and Hand-Me-Down Robes
Rock of Hogwarts
The Rogue Bludgers
Secondhand Magic Supplies
Sight Beyond Sight
The Skiving Snackboxes
The Slug Club (Oklahoma)
Statutory Snape
Thestrals Queen
Winky and the Butterbeer
The Wizarding World
The Zabini Machine

16 responses to “Lots of New Bands!”

  1. Sam Avatar

    that’s awesome! I will try to check some of these bands out 🙂

  2. Dinahsaur Avatar

    Random fun fact… Some of my favourite new band NAMES:

    The Zabini Machine
    Dobby’s Sock
    Winky and the Butterbeer
    George’s Left Ear
    The Skiving Snackboxes

    Awesome names, no? What are some of yours? (To anyone who sees this comment!)

  3. James Avatar

    “Thestrals queen” everyday of the week 😀

  4. Jayelen Avatar

    The name that grabs my attention is “Red Hair and Hand-Me-Down Robes”. This should be a song too, I think.

  5. maggie Avatar

    The Aurors

    The Dementors

    The Hallows

    Johnny B. Lovegood

    My Magical Romance

    The Ravenclaw Revolution


    some of my favorites name wise

  6. Freya Avatar

    @Jayelen I Speak Tree has a song with that line in it, actually. The song is called ‘Freckled’. http://www.myspace.com/ispeaktree

  7. WizardRockDA Avatar

    There is no link for “The Gargling Nargles”

  8. Dinahsaur Avatar

    That’s because there is no actual band page to link to. However, here is one video of theirs and you can find more through this username: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbnnBpKLwv4

  9. Scott Humdinger Avatar

    The Gargling Nargles do not yet have a web page. There are a couple of videos on our family YouTube channel – http://www.youtube.com/efenwealt

  10. Russ Avatar

    Sight Beyond Sight is my favorite new band. They bring it. Heavy.

  11. Amy Avatar

    Yaay, I’ve been trying to add them all but I need a break 🙂 Some of them are ooold!

  12. Bethany Kwikspell Avatar

    Congrats Statutory Snape! I love you Bryan and Emilia <3

  13. Bethany Kwikspell Avatar

    OMG and Carl and Katy, too. Secondhand magical Supplies wrokks my Dobby sox!

  14. Katy SMS Avatar

    I am so psyched to see so many of us on the wait list finally be unearthed. I know that I’m being biased, but seriously check out Statutory Snape. They’re the bombdotcom! And an oldie but a goody (as far as the list goes) is Kwikspell.

    Love to our wrock brethren (especially Beth, Bryan, and Emilia)!

    Peace, Love, and Chocolate Frogs,
    Secondhand Magic Supplies

  15. James Avatar

    Hi, we’re always on the look out for talented new bands to perform in the UK. This is a great resource, thanks!

  16. VoldeMargo Avatar


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