Month: May 2009
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
General News Draco and the Malfoys now have an email list going out. Sign up for it at their official website. The Hermione Crookshanks Experience has made her previous albums available for purchase in various packages for special prices found here
Relive Rock Night at LeakyCon!
Creevey Thursday!
This week, we’re giving you wizarding photos. Here’s the lineup from Evil Night at LeakyCon. All four of these bands have new CDs, available at their websites, so be sure to check them out!
Question Tuesday!
In my post-LeakyCon daze, I have decided to turn this Question Tuesday into an opportunity for us to visualize an ideal situation in Wizard Rock. So here it is: If you were organizing a Wizard Rock event and had a $1 million budget, what would you do (other than fly out as many people as…
Wrock Around the Rock Tickets Available
Are you among those who cannot afford the cost of Azkatraz registration but wish you could make it to Wrock Around the Rock despite that? Well now you can! Wrock Around the Rock tickets have now been made available to those who have not purchased Azkatraz registrations. A standard ticket is $100 and a ticket…
Wizard Rock People’s Choice Awards Winners
Thanks to everyone who voted (all 895 of you!), and congratulations to all the winners.
Wizard Rock Panel and the WRPCAs
We will be broadcasting my wizard rock panel and the WRPCA announcements live tomorrow on the Wizrocklopedia blogTV channel. Tune in at 4pm EST if you can! The show will probably run until 5:45pm or so. If you can’t make it, no worries! You can check out all the winners here on the Wizrocklopedia starting…
Creevey Thursday
pic by ginginny77 Brad of Draco and the Malfoys seems to be jumping for joy, or he is just playing some ultimate leap frog with his brother Brian. Keep sending in pics to the flickr group!
Question Tuesday!
This week, Dinah and I won’t be able to write a Weekly Wrock Wrap Up for Saturday, so we were hoping you could help us out. What is going on this week in wizard rock? So far, The Remus Lupins have posted four new songs from their new album, I Was Lord Elbin Ausley has…
Weekly Wrock Wrap Up
First of all, we would like to thank everyone for voting in the Wizard Rock People’s Choice Awards!!! We ended up with a total of 895 voters in this final round of voting! That’s amazing! Now, we’re tallying your votes and you’ll have to hang tight for our announcement of the winners following Freya’s Wizard…