One of the things that I absolutely love about wizard rock is how diverse it is; within “wrock” you can have musical styles ranging from rock to rap to folk to chamber music to metal to pop to…. you name it! And a lot of the bands who are playing these varied styles of music come from a wide range of backgrounds as well – former muggle bandmembers, solo musicians, and in a lot of cases, fans of wrock who simply love the music so much they decided to create some of it themselves.
In the spirit of that last type of wrock band, I wanted to come up with a series of articles to help out those who enjoy the wrock so much that they have decided to become a band and put out their own music for the first time. I love to write and record music, and I love to talk about it just as much sometimes! In the past, I’ve had new bands ask me how certain songs were recorded, what software was used, etc. and perhaps providing some information will help YOU get your own wizard rock band up and running.
Over the coming weeks, we’ll discuss different ways to get started on recording your own music; hopefully we’ll be able to provide a great guide and resource to people who have never recorded their own music before and want to give it a shot. It’s very encouraging to see people enjoy wizard rock so much that they want to try it themselves, and these articles will help get you on your way.
We’ll be discussing things from a PC/Windows point of view; those of you who have Macs are all probably very familiar with the fantastic GarageBand program and how to create music with it. On the Windows side of the computer house, there really isn’t a comparable, widely available program that can do what GarageBand does. However, there are plenty of fantastic free (or very inexpensive) programs that can help you record, edit, and upload your music that we’ll be sharing with everyone. Most importantly, we’d like to know what YOU want to know. This series of articles will go over different types of software, microphones, recording interfaces, and some tips and advice on how to use them all together. If you have a specific question about something you’d like to learn more about, send it on in! Fire anything you’d like to see us discuss over to, and we’ll be sure to help out in any way we can.
So until next time, keep on wrockin’ like Dokken and have fun!
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