Question Tuesday

Ok, kids, it’s that time again.

Where do you listen to wrock most often?

Since I live with a Muggle that, while supportive of my love of wizard rock, doesn’t necessarily love all the music, most of my wrock listening is on my iPod. Do you keep your wrock listening private? Or is it blared for the entire neighborhood to hear?

24 responses to “Question Tuesday”

  1. Kjetil Avatar

    I listen to wizard rock all the time in the car, and I spend a considerable amount of time in the car considering that I work as a pizza delivery.

  2. Zivlok Avatar

    That’s awesome, Kjetil! I mostly listen on my iPod and computer. Since I live in one of the best cities in the US for alt. transportation, there are only two reasons why I want a car: So I can put a bunch of awesome bumper stickers all over it; and so I can go cruising down the streets, blaring Wizard Rock and classical music!

  3. Molly Avatar

    That’s a pretty legitimate reason to want a car, Zivlok! It’s the best reason for driving anyway.

    Most of my listening is on my iPod, on the computer, or in the car (generally by myself), and I will occasionally put my iPod in its docking station so I can blast the music for the entire upstairs of my house =D. I’m pretty sure my parents don’t mind, at least it’s good music!

  4. Shannon Avatar

    When I’m at work I listen to it on my ipod. When I’m at home I play it on the computer because I have converted my Muggle roomie to wrock (still working on the books, but she’ll watch the movies). And if the weather’s good, I love to put down my car windows and blast it for everyone to hear! Some of the looks I get are priceless. 🙂

  5. Cassia Lenoir Avatar

    I also mostly listen to it on my iPod or computer. I don’t have a car so…

    But what I love is listening to Wrock really late (or early) in the night, lying on my bed, in the dark.
    I find that when you have nothing but the music your listening to to distract you, everything is so much more intense, the sad songs make you cry and the others make you smile!
    That’s how I love my wizard Rock, or any kind of music really!

  6. Puff Avatar

    Ahh, Cassia, I totally agree with you on that. Any song can seem so, so much more intense that way!

    As for me, I like listening to it in the car. I have a half-hour-ish commute to and from work (depending on Chicago traffic, that is), so I have a lot of time to enjoy it. It’s also really good on airplanes! 🙂

  7. John Avatar

    I listen to it everywhere, but usually in my car or late at night after everyone else in the house has gone to bed.

  8. Kate Avatar

    It’s usually on my iPod or just playing off my laptop.
    Or coming from my own guitar. =]

  9. obockstal Avatar

    I listen to it on my iPod, mostly in its docking station. I have one in the bathroom while I wash and one in the kitchen. Nothing beats doing the dishes while dancing away to Wrock.
    Or like Cassia, I put my earphones on just before going to bed and I randomly play a 15 or 30 min selection to totally relax before falling asleep.

  10. Laura Avatar

    I listen to wrock anywhere and everywhere. Mostly on my iPod. I do listen to it through my iPod dock sometimes when I’m getting ready in the morning and I listen to it in my car a lot of the time. It comes out of my guitar a lot too. 🙂

  11. Kali Avatar

    Mostly on my iPod when i’m on the bus (which has gotten me some strange looks if it’s up so loud that others can hear it), but also in my iPod dock in my room… I wake up to wrock every morning, it’s definitely the best way to start the day 😀

  12. Sarah Paperclipz Avatar
    Sarah Paperclipz

    I listen to the most at home. I like to blast it where everyone in the house can hear it. I also listen to wrock on my mp3 player on the bus ride home from school every day.
    As soon as I get my driver’s license, the first thing I plan to do is drive around and listen play wizard rock music really loud, with the windows all the way down and the volume way up.

  13. lou Avatar

    I listen at it very loud when I cook, clean the dishes or when I need to clean te apartment ^^
    or I listen to wrock on my ipod, when I go to uni 🙂

  14. Ellatrix Avatar

    1) Because I’m just so cool, I usually go to bed early, turn off my lights, and listen to wrock on my iPod. Then it gets later and later and I can’t bring myself to switch it off, so I end up going to sleep really late, and when I do, my iPod’s still playing!

    2) My morning alarm plays me wizard rock. It is actually the only way I can wake up (after the late night!)

    3) On the bus to school. You have to make sure you’re not singing out loud, though!

    4) Playing it on my guitar. It’s the best way to listen to wrock!

  15. TheUnknown Avatar

    I agree with Ellatrix – the absolute best way to listen to wrock is to play it yourself! I haven’t been able to by any wrock CDs yet, so mainly the only way I listen to it is on my guitar.

  16. Trudy Avatar

    I usually listen on the computer in my room while doing work.

  17. Jace Avatar

    I would say mostly in my car as well. I dont believe the Mudbloods “A War Amidst Pop Songs” album has left my car since September, haha.

  18. Her Muggle Friend Avatar
    Her Muggle Friend

    In your car. At the wrock concert you promoted.

  19. Heather Avatar

    Oh I definitely blast it. But mostly when I’m olone in the house. Then I sing along and dance all over the place. My dog likews it, too. 😀

  20. Clara Avatar

    On my iPod (pretty much everywhere, mostly in the bus, and all the time) and on my laptop.

    It’s good to see that I’m not the only one who listens to wrock in my bed =)

  21. Camie Avatar

    Car, dorm room, iPod.. i tried to get one on the warm up cd for softball. but the editor turned it down for being too ‘weird, even for you Camie’ so I got shot down there. It is def loud enough for everyone to hear.

    Oh, yeah, I also like figuring out wrock on my guitar.. so YEAH!

  22. Georgia Riddle Avatar

    I mostly listen to wizard rock in the car and on my computer! My iPod headphones broke, and my iPod is on the verge of breaking also, so listening in the car is basically impossible these days unless I can persuade Vic to let me borrow one of her headphones.

  23. Stine Avatar

    I usually listen to wizard rock with my headphones on…

    I always have my wizard rock filled MP3 player with me on the bus when I go to school, as I have a one hour ride each way. (If I had my own car, I’d definitely be blasting it there.) There’s no better way to start off the day than by listening to your favorite wizard rocks songs…

    The same goes for when I work out; I always bring either the MP3 player or my good old discman (along with my wizard rock CDs). MoM make great work out music!

    I also listen quite a bit on my computer, and occasionally in bed to relax before I go to sleep.

    My ringtone is most often a wizard rock song, and my alarm clock has been playing Hedwig’s Theme for years. Basically, it’s everywhere!

  24. Julia Avatar

    I either blast it when I am alone in the house or in the car with close friends who appreciate the music as well.

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