Question Tuesday

Today’s question is more about your relationship with wizard rock.

Do you own more wizard rock albums than Muggle albums?

According to my iPod, about 21% of my music is wizard rock. If you don’t want to do the math or count your CDs, just give us your best guess.

43 responses to “Question Tuesday”

  1. Scott Humdinger Avatar

    While Wizard Rock is the fastest growing part of my collection, I think I still have about as many Jethro Tull CDs as wizard rock. Most of you are probably too young to have even heard of Jethro Tull.

    Of course, I sell CDs as part of my living, and have about $5,000 worth of CD inventory. Add that to the couple hundred titles in my personal collection and the 35-40 wizard rock CDs would only be a small fraction of that.

  2. Laura Avatar

    I just did the math. My iPod is 23% wrock. There’s no way I’d ever get more wrock cd’s then muggle ones. Just no way. 🙂 I just counted CD’s and I have 62. I’ve purchased a lot of my wrock on iTunes and downloaded off MySpace so I’m not sure . . . fwiw, my iPod says 146 albums.

  3. Jayen Avatar

    About a third of my Itunes is Wizard Rock, but I have quite a few CDs I haven’t put in there. Then again I have a bunch of wrock podcasts I haven’t loaded either. I do have more Moody Blues than Wizard rock. (Moody Blues is another band from the time of Jethro Tull though they are still playing. I thought Wizard Rock was a youth phenomenon – maybe not!)

  4. The Dragon Avatar

    Well I own all the Draco and the Malfoys cd’s, all The Remus Lupins, hmm all nine of my cds (cruciatus curse), The Mirror of Erised, House of Black, Fred Lives, Witherwings, everyone from Wrock Chicago, all the Switchblade Kittens cds and most of what I could download from Myspace…that equals 69% of my iTunes which all holds all the Korn & Limp Bizkit cds as well as ICP. So….Yep Wizard Rock outranks my Muggle stash.

  5. netsrikb Avatar

    I calculated that about 15% of my collection is wrock…and it is growing and growing every day! I do not think that it will ever overpower the other music in my collection, but I I guessing that I might get up to 20% soon, because I need to get some more wrock soon =]

  6. Grace Avatar

    No matter how much I love wizard rock, I cannot imagine the day where I have even 25% as much wizard rock as “muggle” music in my collection.

  7. Julia Avatar

    I have 4.2 days worth of music on my iPod. The Playlist of Awesome accounts for 2 days of that. Wow.

  8. Lana Alethea Avatar
    Lana Alethea

    Only 232 Wrock songs which is about … but constantly increasing. It would be closer to 500 if I wasn’t short on funds 🙂

  9. Lana Alethea Avatar
    Lana Alethea

    about… a quarter of my now full iPod..

    [sorry about posting twice!]

  10. Kjetil Avatar

    Only counting full albums or EP’s, no singles:
    depending on if you count wizard rocker’s muggle bands with the wizard rock or not I have either 41% or 45% wizard rock.

  11. Heather Avatar

    Hmm…. it’s probably about equal with my music; maybe a bit more muggle music.

  12. Ellatrix (The Lost Diadems) Avatar

    I think my iPod is about 60% wrock and 40% muggle! (:

  13. Katie Z Avatar

    22% is Wizard Rock (83/393)
    and 10% is Nerdfighters!

  14. Sarah Paperclipz Avatar
    Sarah Paperclipz

    I definitely have more wrock cds than muggle cds. I’m not going to say the percentage. I never really listened to music until I discovered wizard rock. I just listened to the radio or something. I didn’t seriously buy muggle music until after I had gotten into wrock (and bought a bunch of wrock cds), so the muggle part of my music collection hasn’t quite caught up yet… Is that weird?

  15. Russ Avatar

    I’m about 15% wrock, and that’s 8 albums bought on iTunes, 29 hard copy albums, and I don’t know how many singles/EPs downloaded from the ‘net and MySpace.

    @Scott- I still hold resentment from the Grammys when Tull beat Metallica for Best Rock/Metal 😀 I don’t think my wrock collection will ever top my Rush CDs and boots, either.

  16. batbogeyhexer Avatar

    I own 807 wrock songs and about 1500+ muggle songs, even though I own the same amount of CDs (56 each) I just can’t fit the muggle music on my computer and since wizard rock has taken over my life, it’s all I listen to 😉

  17. Freya Avatar

    I’m totally amazed by the range here.

    @Sarah Paperclipz: Some of us have had more years than others of collecting music before wrock even existed. So, no, I don’t think it’s weird at all.

  18. Molly Avatar

    About 15% is Wrock and I wish it were more. Then again, I haven’t gotten all of my CDs from the EP of the Month Club yet (I ordered late and thus will get every single EP for 2008 at one time), so that will definitely boost it quite a bit.

  19. Patrick Avatar

    on my laptop my iTunes Library is 58% wizard rock. I imagine with the rest of the music I own, in various forms and places, would put it more like 25%.

    (See Freya, I do post 😛 )

  20. Muggle from Another Mother Avatar
    Muggle from Another Mother

    I cry… 117 out of 7008 dont even want to dothe math…

  21. MarishaGranger Avatar

    100% wizardrock. On my itouch. And 150 cd too.

  22. MarishaGranger Avatar

    17000 songs too I think it might be more.I have to check.

  23. Nimbus-X Avatar

    I’ve got a ton of muggle music that I never listen to so….

    About 60% of the music I listen to is Wrock.

  24. maggie Avatar

    About 70% of my ipod is wizard rock, or something to do with Harry Potter, because I’m so into HP right now. The other is Hanson, or Twilight, atm.

  25. Kali Avatar

    It’s about 20% wrock at this point, but lately (read as for the last 2 months or so) i’ve only been listening to that 20% and none of my muggle music lately.

  26. Lena Avatar

    apparently 33.7 out of 37.8 days of music on my iTunes is wizard rock. but that makes absolutely no sense at all…

  27. Clara Avatar

    I have 480 wrock songs on my iPod (it’s increasing all the time). It’s one day of music. I’ve got 966 songs in total, so about one third is wizard rock.

  28. Kathleen Avatar

    My wizard rock is an amazingly small percentage of my total music collection, however I haven’t listened to anything other than wrock for about 3 months. I’d have more money to buy albums if I weren’t spending it all physically going to the shows 🙂 It’s not a bad trade off.

  29. Anita Avatar

    I just about did, until mym sister put a whole heap of her music she wanted me to listen to. Only have about 250 wrock songs at the moment… and the moment. 🙂

  30. Camie Avatar

    22% of my music in my iTunes is wizard rock. I think that is a fair balance.

  31. Amelia Avatar

    Oooh, 38%… my friends will laugh at me. Still, hardly surprising, I only buy one or two muggle albums a year… one of the joys of being too young to have a job.

  32. Nora Avatar

    In my iTunes library, the total amount of wizard rock is over 1/4, but with physical cds, i definately have way more wrock cds than other music cds. Wizard rock is way more fun to listen to than “normal” music 🙂

  33. Tracy Avatar

    I’ve been collecting music for the last thirty years so Wizard rock makes up a very small part of my collection. However, currently on my ipod the split is pretty much 50/50 on Wizard rock and Muggle artists

  34. Ashley Avatar

    Sadly not. I only own a compilation album. Most of my relationship with Wizardrock is through myspace, but I have wanted a fair few albums through the last few years I’ve been a fan. On my computer, though, my wizardrock and mugglerock collection is about equal.

  35. Tess Avatar

    also 21% wrock on itunes! but I definitely do own waaay more wrock cds. weird.

  36. Trudy Avatar

    My itunes is about 35% wizard rock. It’s funny, I wouldn’t have thought it would be that high!

  37. Ian Avatar

    I think that would be impossible. I’ve been collecting music for over 20 years! But what gets played more is probably a different story….except for old punk tunes…..:)

  38. Kat Avatar

    out of 32 playlists 19 of them are wizard rock so by that it’s like 59% oh my! i don’t have very much normal music either because mostly it’s wizard rock or musical theater.

    i also think clara needs to do her math again, she’s got more like 50% than one third. 🙂

  39. IFTBA Avatar

    I actually don’t “own” any wizard rock. I’m poor. But I probably have more Harry and the Potters and DATM concerts than concerts from other bands.

  40. Dinahsaur Avatar

    In my iTunes, not counting Muggle bands of Wizard Rockers, Muggle bands I discovered through Wizard Rock, and other variations on the theme….

    1625 songs out of a total of 2937 songs are Wizard Rock.

    Then again, that was just the result of quickly going through and making a playlist entitled “Wizard Rock” and putting the things I noticed right away into it. I probably missed at least a little. XD

  41. Georgia Riddle Avatar

    I listen to much more wizard rock than Muggle music, but I own more Muggle music 🙂

  42. Crystal Avatar

    Definitely! I don’t really listen to Muggle music at all. Currently, 374 out of the 415 songs in iTunes are wizard rock, and 16 are Harry Potter podfiction. But those numbers are a bit distorted. I should have even more wizard rock songs, but I got a laptop for Christmas, and I haven’t transferred over about fifty songs.

  43. Kate Avatar

    I have way more Muggle music in physical CD form. But most of my iTunes is Wizard Rock.

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