Question Tuesday

This week’s question will require a bit more than just a list of your favorite lyrics or songs.
We recently got a preview of a new song from The Whomping Willows‘ album that will be officially released at LeakyCon in May. It’s not a wizard rock song, per se, but a song about the wizard rock and Harry Potter community and experience – a metawizardrock song.

So, this week’s question is:

What do you think of metawizardrock songs?

Personally, I love the inside joke aspect of something like The Whomping Willows‘ ‘Wizard Rock Heart Throb’. I also thoroughly enjoy hearing wrockers sing about what the fandom means to them, like in Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls‘ ‘End of an Era’ or The Parselmouths‘ ‘This is Never Gonna End’. The only downfall is that they aren’t as accessible to people outside the community, even if they are already Harry Potter fans.

21 responses to “Question Tuesday”

  1. Kathleen Avatar

    The reason that I love wizard rock in the first place is because it brings me back to the books, the silly things that I loved about them, and it connects me with other people who love them too. Metawizardrock (is a mouthfull) is something else that is specific to our community and brings us together. Other people may not understand all of it, but there are tons of main stream bands whose lyrics I don’t know or don’t get. Good music is good music, and on that level it is accessible to anyone.

  2. Ellatrix (The Lost Diadems) Avatar

    @kathleen: You are so right. Thats exactly how I feel about it- I mean, so what if Metawizardrock isn’t accessible to muggles? It’s great that we have songs that people outside the fandom can relate to, like HatP and so on, but us dedicated wrock fans need songs that have in-jokes – I mean, if a muggle really wanted to get them, they could always read the books, join the fandom and then i’m sure they could understand them! But really, when it’s all said and done, it’s just music, and if they can’t appreciate that for what it it, they shouldn’t be here in the first place. 🙂

  3. Whompy Avatar

    Thank you, Freya, for creating the term that will effectively legitimize my next album. Nearly the entire thing will be metawizardrock! 😀

  4. Marauder Avatar

    No offense to anyone, but I’m not really that big on them. I get a kick out of the ones that are about fandom – something most people who listen to wizard rock know about, my boyfriend’s ten-year-old sister excepted – but I don’t like the ones that are so, so in-jokey that they seem self-important, as though listeners SHOULD know what the reference is. I’ve been in online HP fandom for over six years, but I have too many other things in my life going on to keep up with what inside joke two wizard rock bands have between them. I simply don’t care that much.

    Songs about Mary Sues or crazy fangirls or stuff like that are fun, though. 😀

  5. Abby Avatar

    I personally think they’re one of the most important parts of the wizard rock community. Without in-jokes, we aren’t a community. We’d just be a group of people who like wizard rock. The fact that I can go up to any wrock fan and we could joke about Whompy stealing our pillows – that means a lot to me. It’s like a group of people who will be your friends no matter what.

    It should probably be said, though, that there are the fans who aren’t Muggles, yet the songs aren’t as accessible to them because they aren’t the type of fan who spends all of their time on the internet.

  6. Trudy Avatar

    I think that they are great. I still cry every time I hear End of an Era! Just as long as we don’t forget about the actual books, I think metawizardrock is awesome.

  7. Freya Avatar

    @Abby: “they aren’t the type of fan who spends all of their time on the internet.”
    What?? Who are these people? We need to get them involved.

  8. Julia Avatar

    I love them. The vast majority of WRock songs are obviously about HP, which is what drew everyone to WRock in the first place, but the friendships and bonds we’ve formed are what keep us here, and I think it’s fantastic that we have songs devoted to that.

    Also, metawizardrock? Awesome term.

  9. batbogeyhexer Avatar

    I love them. I think it’s because of how much we can relate to them. I mean, we’re all sharing this experience of being Harry Potter fans.

  10. Abby Avatar

    @Freya: My opinion exactly! But I know they exist, because it took me two years after listening to wrock to discover the community behind it. I never understood the few metawizardrock songs that existed, but I just pushed it away as an in-joke that I was missing. Which, I guess it was, but I never figured that I COULD understand it if I devoted my entire life to the interwebs.

  11. Roonil Wazlib Avatar

    As a wizard rocker, writing a “metawizardrock” song (Not the End) was part of me expressing my feelings about the Harry Potter fandom. Yes, I could always keep writing from the perspective of characters, but that song will always mean more to me than other R.W. songs. I think that as a musician whose foray into wizard rock largely shaped the development of my songwriting skills, being able to take wizard rock and turn it back into something that has personal significance is a great thing.

  12. Jace Avatar

    In accordance with Molly, the matawizardrock songs are normally some of the most powerful, and emotionally driven songs some of us write. While most of our songs are humorous because of the content and source, obviously none of us have ever flown a broom, or made polyjuice potion that turned us into a cat, the metawizardrock songs allow us to be ourselves, and write about something we know from experience and love.

    I have always joked that when i wrote “I Found Love in Wizard Rock,” it wasnt about anyone particular, it was just a ploy to get plays, haha. But now, almost 2 years later, that song has become my personal anthem for this community. The first verse and chorus, “I never expected to find you here, but I did, I found you, i found love, i found it all in wizard rock” has never been more true. It’s not about romance, its about the friends and family i have found here. And thats why i think metawizardrock songs are some of the best out there 😉


  13. Orlina Avatar

    I won’t repeat everything that has already been said about how metawrock songs are just that much heartfelt than normal wrock songs.
    But I think that while we all love the Harry Potter characters and awesome universe, we also all have this *need* to express ourselves. Not through the HP fandom, but what we, real people in the real world, experienced thanks to Harry Potter and Wrock!
    That’s why metawizardwrock is almost necessary for a Wrocker, it’s the solution to our need to exprime ourselves with our own voice and person.

    Sorry if my english didn’t make sense!

    Cassia Lenoir

  14. IFTBA Avatar

    They’re not my favorite, as I will always prefer the wrock songs that are funny to the ones that are sentimental. Although “Transparent” is brilliant, metawizardrock is sort of the LiveJournal of song styles. I’ve enjoyed one or two vlogs about the community. I’m jealous of anyone whose life it has changed. But I don’t necessarily want to hear songs about it.

  15. SB13 Avatar

    I love metawizardrock songs! They are usually the first ones I force upon friends because 1)they’re good and 2) it is sort of killing two birds with one stone, I’m intro-ing wrock, and trying to explain why I love the books so much. I also love them because Post Potter Depression by Lauren Fairweather, and This is Never Going to End by the Parselmouths got me through some of the potter withdrawal a few months back when I was relapsing into “What’s the point?”. Luckily, I saw the point pretty quick.

  16. Laura Avatar

    I like metawizardrock songs. It’s like they capture the moment better then anything else can. They are kinda ‘inside’ songs but you don’t have to be inside the wrock community to like them. I LOVED Wizard Rock Heart Throb before I knew who the wrockers named where. Wrock Rocks! 🙂

  17. Anita Avatar

    I love metawizardrock songs so much. It really tells how amazing thisd community is, and how close people are with eachother. This IS never going to end, and how could it?
    The thing about metawizard songs are that there not in a Harry Potter characters point of view. It’s in t he point of view of a wizard rocker, and how they feel about Wizard Rock, and I love it. 🙂

  18. Kjetil Avatar

    I love metawizardrock songs.
    In some ways I think they are more accessible to “outsiders” 😉 than normal wizard rock songs because they are about community and friendship and not wanting it to end etc.
    My friend who is a casual reader of Harry Potter enjoys End of an Era but has to verify events in the books or who’s point of view the song is from when it comes to normal wizard rock songs.
    There, I have commented on a question tuesday now, happy Freya?

  19. Georgia Riddle Avatar

    I generally prefer to write songs that are about the actual books, rather than metawizardrock because I just find them easier to write. I’m not very good at getting my feelings across in songs.

    I first and foremost adore the books and the characters (without it we wouldn’t have a community). But because of the community, my love is kept alive (otherwise I’d have shut Book 7 and left it there). I wouldn’t really be able to have one without the other, and I think that’s how a lot of people feel.

    I cried A LOT writing ‘For Jo,’ and it’s a song that I care about very much – more so than my other songs. Of course, they bring together the community, they allow people to share their feelings for the books and the fandom. To be honest, wizard rock has become such a huge part of our lives, it’s almost impossible to not write a metawrocksong at some point – if only for sanity’s sake 🙂

    But I don’t want metawizardrock to overtake the ‘normal’ wizard rock songs, ’cause then it would kind of be… wizard rock rock.. and then my brain would hurt. @_@

  20. Victoria Riddle Avatar

    I find that a lot of ‘regular’ wizard rock songs about the books (e.g Victory Party by the Remus Lupins, Together Forever by Ministry) are like metawizardrock songs in themselves. Although they’re not actually about the fandom, they could be if you read into them and replaced Harry’s shoes with your own.

  21. Crystal Avatar

    I’m not going to give a very in-depth answer because everyone above me has already said it. I think metawrock songs are brilliant! They’re a huge part of what keeps the community together! We share inside jokes; we get to know each other better. It’s just… this is what I love about the fandom!

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