Question Tuesday

Thanks to everyone who participated in last week’s Question Tuesday! While reading everyone’s answers did get lots of songs stuck in our heads, it’s great to be able to chat a bit about one of our favorite subjects.

And so I present to you this week’s question:
What is your favorite wizard rock song to sing along to?

Mine are:
The Parselmouths‘ ‘What Kind of Name is Hermione?’, Ministry of Magic‘s ‘ ‘Goodbye Privet Drive’, and Gred and Forge‘s (with The Moaning Myrtles) ‘Fred, George, and Myrtle’.

33 responses to “Question Tuesday”

  1. John Avatar

    “Song For Death Eaters” by Harry and the Potters and “Save Ginny Weasly” also by the Potters.

  2. dustbunnie101 Avatar

    Definitely “Never Going to the Bathroom Again” by Harry and the Potters. It’s just so ridiculous I can’t resist 😀

  3. Julia Avatar

    “Chapter 34” by Riddle TM, “The Weapon” by Harry and the Potters, “Save Ginny Weasley (From Dean Thomas)” by Harry and the Potters, “I Believe in Nargles” by The Whomping Willows, anything by The Butterbeer Experience.

  4. John Avatar

    I always love singing along to any Oliver Boyd and the Rememberalls but most wrock songs are great to sing along to one great thing about the genre.

  5. Zoe Avatar

    Lately I’ve been blasting and singing along to “Kiss Me” by the Brothers Black. Catchy Tune 🙂

  6. OBatRFan Avatar

    Most definitely ‘Open at the Close’ by Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls.

  7. SB13 Avatar

    Most fun to sing to hmmmmm…
    well, if you mean in public, then I love the looks I get for Draco and Harry by The Whomping Willows and Voldemort Made Me Crap My Pants by The Blibbering Humdingers.
    As for just fun to sing along to, then I love O Holey Night by Ministry of Magic featuring Kristina from The Parselmouths, as well asDobby by Draco and the Malfoys.

  8. Michelle Avatar

    If I had to choose, it would be:
    “Looking for Trouble” – The Remus Lupins
    “I Found A Loophole” – The Whomping Willows

  9. T Avatar

    My Dad is Rich by Draco and the Malfoys or Love Song for Professor Lupin by The Parselmouths.

  10. Klem Avatar

    Any song by The Remus Lupins is sure to get me singing, but I really sing along with most Wrock

    Most fun by The Remus Lupins = Seven Potters

  11. obockstal Avatar

    Draco and Harry
    My Dad is Rich

  12. Ellatrix Avatar

    Wizard rock twist
    Open at the close
    One last summer

    ^_^ They’re awesome to sing along to! 😀

  13. Coco Avatar

    cedric, transparent, prefects are hott, and choko oh no all by the maoing myrtlas
    Painful obious, and post potter depression by lauren fairweather
    something worth fighting for- the butterbeer experience
    looking for trouble, teddy and victoire, christmas with the weasleys-the remus lupins

  14. Camilla Avatar

    Mostly, whatever song I have stuck in my head at the time! Though of course it helps if I actually know all the words. So Save Ginny Weasley by HatP, Teenage Werewolf by the Remus Lupins, Old Enough to Die by Ministry of Magic, basically any song from Gred and Forge, Potions Yesterday by Draco and the Malfoys. Oh and of course, Beware the Mother’s Rage by The Half Bloods. And myriads of other songs . . . I sing along a lot when I’m by myself.

  15. Kathleen Avatar

    It was ‘Accio Love’ – MoM and ‘Wizard Rock Heart Throb’ – TWW, but now that I have been listening to christmas wrock pretty much non-stop, I keep singing ‘Christmas at the Leaky With You’ – JFF&tSQ and ‘Draco’s Christmas Wish’ – Riddletm. My husband also keeps singing ‘Christmas at the Leaky’ to me too, it’s very sweet 🙂

  16. Tracy Avatar

    March of the Deatheaters by Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office, Cedric by Moaning Myrtles, Mandrake’s Lament and Accio Hotguy by Butterbeer Experience, Old Enough to Die by Ministry of Magic and Love Song For Sirius Black by Blibbering Humdingers

  17. Stephanie Avatar

    Every Friday after class, I can typically be found singing “Phoenix Tears” by Harry and the Potters with my roommates. =) Otherwise I sing “Honeydukes” by JFF.

  18. Danny Avatar

    “I Found A Loophole” by The Whomping Willows
    “History of Magic” by Gred and Forge
    “Til Death” by OBatR
    “Honeydukes” by JFF

    Now my favorite song to air drum too…that goes to “The Acid Quill”, cause the drums on that are *boston accent* “wicked pissa”.

  19. Kenz Avatar

    “Loosen Your Tie” by the Remus Lupins
    “Teenage Werewolf” by the Remus Lupins
    “Disapparate With Me” by Tonks & The Aurors
    “Headed To Hogwarts” by Catchlove
    “Flight of the Prince” by Oliver Boyd
    “Luna” by The Weasel King
    “She A Mudblood” by Danny Dementor
    “Wizard Rockers Unite” by the Quaffle Kids
    “Hogsmeade Hop” by Oliver Boyd
    “Wizard Rock Heart Throb” by Whompy
    “Prefects Are Hot” by The Moaning Myrtles
    “Battle of Hogwarts” by the Curse Breakers
    “Save Ginny Weasley” by Harry and the Potters!


  20. Sarah Paperclipz Avatar
    Sarah Paperclipz

    Oh, there’s so many…
    But if I had to choose my top three favorite to sing along to, I’d have to say “It Sucks,” “And then I Died” and “Song for the Death Eaters”

  21. Steph Avatar

    I’m going to go with a deep cut here: “Horcruxes” by Harry and the Potters.

  22. Caitie Avatar

    “Marauder’s Map” By Ministry of Magic

    “House of Awesome by Whomping Willows

    “Transparent” by MM

    And a billion others

  23. Bre Avatar

    “Song for the Death Eaters”

  24. Russ Avatar

    I agree with Danny – definitely “I Found A Loophole”.

    “We Miss Quidditch” by Gred and Forge is also tops with me, especially the last chorus where I try and hit the high harmonies and scare dogs and small children within a 5 block radius.

  25. Maggie Lovegood Avatar
    Maggie Lovegood

    This is so hard XD
    Remember Cedric is one that’s fun, though.
    I pick that one:D

  26. Danny Avatar

    Well look on the bright side, Russ, i scare everyone with every harmony I do…so…singing is just plain dangerous for me.

  27. Whompy Avatar

    HatP – Save Ginny From Dean Thomas
    Pretty much anything by the Malfoys.
    JFF – Matchbox and Expelliarmus
    TRL – Teenage Werewolf
    Hungarian Horntails – Dragon Rock Rules

    …and I really love playing shows, so technically I love singing along to my own songs! HAHAHA

  28. Lena Avatar

    anything by JFF, The Moaning Myrtles, and The Whomping Willows! Also “In Which Tonks Loses her Cool” by TatA

  29. Joella Avatar

    anything by TRL, anything by Whompy, anything by MoM, and My Dad is Rich by the Malfoys

  30. Stine Avatar

    Basically anything by The Remus Lupins, The Moaning Myrtles, Ministry of Magic, Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls, The Whomping Willows and The Mudbloods. But really, I sing along to every wrock song I know…

    If I had to pick just one, I guess I’d say “Looking for Trouble” by TRL, just because it’s impossible not to sing along to the bah bah bahs!

  31. Crystal Avatar

    Um…. all of them? I really can’t narrow it down much! They’re all so amazing! But let’s say… “The Bravest Man I Ever Knew” by Ministry of Magic because I’m listening (and singing along) to that right now!

  32. Laura Avatar

    Yeah, I’ve been thinking about this and I can’t think of any one in particular. I sing along to all of them! I always sing in my car and wrock is always playing in my car. 🙂

  33. Olivia Avatar

    Definitely 99 Death Eaters by Draco and the Malfoys.

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