Tuesday was the Pittsburgh show, hosted by Pittsburgh Area Wizards. The show was a great excuse to throw a Halloween party, replete with costumes (mostly of the Potter variety, but there was also an Alice, Queen of Hearts, and Mad Hatter in attendance), face painting, and a jack-o-lantern carving contest. We sold chocolate frogs and butterbeer to raise a little extra money for disaster relief in Haiti. For being a house party, it was a pretty good crowd. About 20-25 people showed up!
Matt and Justin shared a set, taking turns performing rather than playing two separate ones, which worked out really well. Along with wizard rock we got a taste of their individual Muggle music projects, The Jena Campaign and Camellia respectively. It isn’t wizard rock, but it’s still the Matt and Justin you know and love. CDs are available during this tour or on their sites if interested. Unfortunately, I don’t believe that the album includes a recording of Justin’s rendition of “Keep On Loving You” (originally by REO Speedwagon), which is truly a shame.
Since one wrock show is fun I figured two meant twice the fun. On Wednesday, I jumped in my car to drive to Columbus, OH and meet various HP Ohio members as well as other fans. Along the way I got the chance to listen to both live CDs, recorded during their sets at Wrockstock 2008. I was amazed at the sound quality. If you are a fan of live CDs, these ones are must-haves.
The Columbus show took place at High Five Bar and Grill and was a typical small club venue, perfect for the show. At least it would have been if it had been open. I arrived around 4:30 to find Matt, Justin, and merch-girl Nate standing outside the closed space. The bar had been closed all day, apparently. I would also like to mention that Ohio and Western Pennsylvania had gotten its first truly cold weather of the year this week, which meant that we were stuck outside in 40 degree weather for over an hour and a half, various fans, and even Tom Riddle and Friends slowly gathering. HP Ohio bought everyone pizza, which we used as a means of warmth until it no longer radiated; and we then proceeded to eat it. Complaints aside, it was well worth the wait.
Tom Riddle and Friends began the night’s performances with a set that included a high percentage of new music. They have been recording their contribution to the Wizard Rock EP of the Month Club. Their album title? Bob Hope is a Vampire.
Justin Finch-Fletchley and the Sugar Quills followed with a crazy-energetic set that had us all hooting and yelling our love for his favorite quidditch player. The Whomping Willows‘ set was a little bit different than it had been the night before, which I definitely appreciated since it meant he played my favorite song.
If you can get anywhere near this tour, please do your best to catch a show. You’ll get two amazing bands (possibly more!), an evening with friends that you may or may not have met yet, and the knowledge that you’re contributing to helping people less fortunate than you. A percentage of ticket sales are being donated to the Harry Potter Alliance.
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