Month: October 2008
Weekly Song Round Up
“Who” and “The Pottercrumb Tinies” by The First Task Is Dragons. “Dear Cedric” by Split Seven Ways. A new version of “Slip On the Mask” by Malfoy Manor. “Just To Know” by Creevey Crisis. “Sectumsempra”, “Magic is Might”, “Bellatrix Lestrange” and a new version of “Song for Ariana” by Oh My Snitch! “We Gotta’ Fight”…
Continuing to Decipher the Puzzle
Well, I’ve been working diligently at cracking the enchantments of the pieces delivered to me via owl two days ago. Your guess is as good as mine as to what it means!
Wrock IS Work!
In part one and part two of this series, we’ve looked at balancing being in a wizard rock band with other important obligations like school and work. What if you didn’t have to do that? What if your number one obligation was your wizard rock band? There aren’t too many bands out there that manage…
A Mysterious Delivery
A shaggy looking owl recently appeared at my window. In its clutches, I found a pouch containing fragments of a strange paper. After thanking my courier with a snack, I examined them more closely. They seemed to be encrypted with some sort of spell! It’s been a few days and I’ve finally been able to…
Let’s Get Political
The 2008 United States Presidential Elections are without a doubt history in the making. For the first time in US history, the nation is voting on viable White House hopefuls that includes an African-American and woman. This election comes in a time of war and a massive financial crisis teetering on the brink of an…
Straight From the Dinah Saur’s Mouth Vol. 7
Have You Heard These Bands? I know this is a little out of the areas in which I usually write, but I thought it would be a fun interlude between regular columns. I am in communication with a ton of international Wizard Rockers, but that story is taking longer than I planned, so I hope…
bella and the deatheaters, edgar & the family bones, ginger and moon, harry and the potters, letrix, oliver boyd and the remembralls, the bandon banshees, the mighty patronus, the misuse of muggle artifacts office, the remus lupins, the shrieking shack disco gang, the weasel king, thestral, voldemort, weezard -
Muggles and Wrock
In my last article about wizard rock and work, Jarrod of Gred and Forge told me about how his employers had Googled him and discovered he was in a wizard rock band. One of our commenters, Jennofwashington, brought up an interesting point. “How much do you disclose immediately about your involvement in a fandom?” She…