We’ve been described as a wiki for wizard rock by a handful of writers in the past, but now it’s official. I am more than ridiculously excited to announce that the Wizrocklopedia has installed a wiki, editable by any registered user, to record and preserve wizard rock information, band profiles, and so, so much more.
If you’re not familiar with what a wiki is you should definitely check it out. Everything you need to get started is right on the Main Page. If you like what you see, you can also Become a Fan of the WrockWiki on Facebook, helping us spread the word about what will be an incredible resource for the wizard rock community in the future.

The main Wizrocklopedia site will be undergoing some changes within the coming days to accommodate the new addition. Many of our pages will be moving to the wiki while we’ll also be unveiling new sections and columns to the main site!
I also decided to write something in honor of this event. It marks the beginning of an editorial series I hope to keep up in the future. You can read it right here.
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