To inform wizard rockers of the world, Matt of The Whomping Willows posted a MySpace blog rant about the recent events between many wizard rock bands and Velour Records. Matt describes what started off as an offer to various wizard rock bands from the record company to make a compilation CD that would be released close to the time of the “Deathly Hallows” release. This attempt failed, and now the company is trying to put blame on Harry and the Potters. Matt basically gave his opinion of the matter by saying this:
Velour Records is essentially spamming us with a lame attempt at shattering the image of this community’s founders. It shows their lack of knowledge and respect for this movement — they assume that they can cut into the approval rating of a band that’s worked tirelessly to promote literacy, charity, friendship and fun over the past five years. But I am certain that we’re smarter than that, and stronger than that.
To read the blog post in its entirety please click here.
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