Mudbloods Interview

Originally published at the MySpace Wizard Rock Group in May of 2006.

A few weeks ago I [Elizabeth Clements] interviewed Adam of The Mudbloods. We discussed a variety of topics, and he had this to say about the band’s first live performance…

Adam: …the show last night was a lot of fun.
EC: Awesome. Did you end up getting electricity?
Adam: No, we played all acoustic.
EC: That’s cool.
Adam: Yeah, candles everywhere. It was good
EC: Awesome! So, exactly how many people are there in the Mudbloods?
Adam: Well, on all of the stuff that we record its me and my two roommates, but last night one of my roommates had to work and one was playing a show in Dallas so it was me and two of our other friends. I think when we play live we will ideally have four.
EC: Has that not been decided officially yet?
Adam: Not really. The only member requirement is Harry Potter fandom.
EC: That’s cool. Was the band your idea or did someone else come up with it?
Adam: It was all three of us really late one night. My roommate David is a full time musician and we use his recording equipment.
EC: So what’s everyone’s names and what instruments do you play, respectively?
Adam: [I play] keyboard/piano, drums, guitar, percussion. David – guitar, drums. Brandon – Bass
EC: Excellent. How did you guys decide on the name the Mudbloods?
Adam: David came up with it. I always liked the mudbloods in the books like Hermione and Lily because even though they were looked down upon by the asshole purists they were better wizards than just about anyone.
EC: So who was it that first came across wizard rock? And what was your first reaction when you first heard it?
Adam: Well, we thought, when we made the first three songs that first night, that we were probably the only people to have done this. Then the next day I got online to set up a myspace and discovered this whole wizard rock movement. It’s insane. But in a good way. I particularly like Dobby and the House Elves.
EC: So you didn’t know that there were nearly 1,000 people on myspace talking about wizard rock everyday?
Adam: No idea.
EC: That’s so funny.
Adam: Yeah.
EC: But you guys were clearly welcomed with open arms.
Adam: I hope so. Ooh, you know who else i like? The Hermione Crookshanks Experience. I think they are really clever.
EC: Yeah, they’re both really great. A lot of the bands are really creative. I think your songs are really great, too. Whose idea was “Voldemort, a Love Song?”
Adam: Umm, that was me and David mostly. David thought it would be funny to do a jazz/blues song so he played the piano part and I came up with the words. I think when we play it live we’re going to set it up with something like, “We heard a young Tom Riddle play this in the Hog’s Head back in ‘63 and we’ve been covering it ever since.”
EC: That’s great. The first time I heard it I thought it was great because it’s just so unexpected.
Adam: Yeah.
EC: Are you guys working on some more songs?
Adam: Yeah, we’ve got a couple half recorded right now. One about Fred and George and one from Lupin’s point of view. It’s been hard to record lately because of school and jobs, etc. But we’re close.
EC: Awesome. Do you plan on putting out a CD in the future? That seems to be the thing to do as far as wizard rock bands go. I’ve been quite enjoying collecting them all.
Adam: Yeah, I think that’s the plan right now. Once we finish these two songs that should be enough for an album. Were trying to throw a huge CD release party. We’ve already started planning that.
EC: Awesome. What about downloads? Do you think you’ll have any on myspace or a separate website at some point?
Adam: Well, we didn’t want to spoil the CD release with putting out downloads. So, I don’t know. Maybe after the CD comes out.
EC: That’s understandable. Do you have any other musical projects or groups?
Adam: Well, David is a full time musician. Did I already say that? You can hear his stuff at his myspace and at And we have a “muggle” band call The Oriental Rodeo, but no music out on that yet.
EC: Very cool. I don’t want to keep you for too long, so I’d like to ask a few HP related questions. Do you and/or your band mates have favorite Hogwarts houses? Which ones would you be in if you were students?
Adam: Hmm. It’s kind of easy to say Gryffindor but, come on! It’s definitely my favorite.
EC: What about your band mates? Do you know offhand?
Adam: Probably the same. Maybe not Brandon. I could see him as a Ravenclaw.
EC: That’s cool. What would your favorite subject at Hogwarts be?
Adam: Hmm, transfiguration. Changing the physical properties of things. How cool is that? And maybe charms too. Charms seem to be useful when you’re in a tight spot.
EC: Which of the books and/or movies is your favorite?
Adam: Order of the Phoenix. There’s so much to love in that book. The government corruption, the underground revolution (D.A.), Fred and George’s exit from Hogwarts, and Dumbledore and Voldemort’s duel in the Ministry. Oh my god! I could go on and on about that book.
EC: Yeah, it’s an awesome book. Is there anything you’d like to say to your fans?
Adam: Umm, thanks. We kind of figured this would be something we would laugh about to ourselves. The fact that people are actually listening and we’re playing shows kind of blows my mind. So, yeah, thanks.
EC: Awesome. Well, thanks so much for sitting down and chatting with me. We all look forward to more music by the Mudbloods!
Adam: Cool, thanks.
EC: Thanks again and have a nice day!
Adam: You too. Later.

You can check out The Mudbloods on MySpace ( ). They have announced that the release date for their debut album will be May 5th, 2006.

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