Our Yule Ball coverage is finally complete! Our galleries are now jam packed with photos and videos from the Philadelphia and Boston Yule Balls and the NIU Muggle Ball. These galleries were made possible by the fans, who sent us hundreds of wonderful images and made their movies available online. Enjoy!
December 2nd: Philadelphia Yule Ball
Featuring The Hungarian Horntails, Uncle Monsterface, Draco and the Malfoys, The Whomping Willows, and Harry and the Potters.
December 2nd: NIU Muggle Ball
A semi-formal event that was part of NIU’s Muggle Academy, featuring a performance by The Remus Lupins. Click here for the gallery.
December 10th: Boston Yule Ball
The second annual Boston Yule Ball featured The Hungarian Horntails, Uncle Monsterface, The Remus Lupins, the Potter Puppet Pals, Draco and the Malfoys, The Whomping Willows, Jason Anderson and the Best, and Harry and the Potters.